A Study on the Restoration of Renaissance Costume 16세기(世紀)Renaissance시대(時代)의 복식분석(服飾分析)과 재현(再現)
문윤경 Yun Kyeong Mun , 리순홍 Soon Hong Lee
7(4) 1-16, 2003
A Study on the Restoration of Renaissance Costume 16세기(世紀)Renaissance시대(時代)의 복식분석(服飾分析)과 재현(再現)
문윤경 Yun Kyeong Mun , 리순홍 Soon Hong Lee
Nowadays, retro to the past fashion is appeared just as often as new challenge and trial. The style of Renaissance Era is the most often revival theme for contemporary fashion. So, this study was focused on 16C of Renaissance costume. It is investigated the characteristics of Renaissance costume through referring the literature to be able to restore the past costume as through as possible with the object of building database for developing new design. This study is done in two different ways at the same time, direct study to restore and indirect study to refer. Direct one is of the past costume as thoroughas possible based on referring to the originals. The other is referring the costume historical literature The costumes to restore is chosen among 16C famous pictures on the basis of how much they can show the typical chracteristics of 16C costume. Materials including textiles and ornaments which are necessarily to restore were shopped in Dongdeamoon Market. Some materials had a problem to get exactly the same one in Seoul on 21C. After visiting imes, the materials is chosen as similar as originals. Three sets of costume were restored on the basis of referring "Pattern of Fashion" written by Janet Arnold. The costumes were restored by reinforcing bodice based on the size of waist and in every three works. The way of sewing is based on hand sewing for details and machin-sewing for seam. Quilting intl lining is uwed giving the fabric stiffness to maintain the form from the heavy padding. Also the part of piles on margins is used darts instead of gather, because of reducing bulkiness of seam. General closing methods are hook and eyes, and lacing with points.
Key Words
Renaissance Era, 르네상스 시대, restoration, 재현
The Study on Cosmetic Surgery Behavior according to Appearance Concern, Body Cathexis, and Self-esteem 외모관심도(外貌觀心度), 신체만족도(身體滿足度), 자아존중감(自我尊重感)에 따른 미용성형행동 연구(美容成形行動 硏究)
황윤정 Yun Jung Hwang , 조기여 Ki Yeu Jo , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
7(4) 17-25, 2003
The Study on Cosmetic Surgery Behavior according to Appearance Concern, Body Cathexis, and Self-esteem 외모관심도(外貌觀心度), 신체만족도(身體滿足度), 자아존중감(自我尊重感)에 따른 미용성형행동 연구(美容成形行動 硏究)
황윤정 Yun Jung Hwang , 조기여 Ki Yeu Jo , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
This study was to investigate the undergraduates` values of cosmetic surgery, which is the prevalent social phenomenon in our society, by examining the relations between their cosmetic surgery behavior and appearance concern, body cathexis, and self-esteem. There was weak positive relations between the degree of appearance concern and cosmetic surgery behavior. There were no significant relations between body cathexis and cosmetic surgery behavior and between self-esteem and cosmetic surgery behavior. It was found that cosmetic surgery behavior was obviously different by gender. There were differences in cosmetic surgery behavior according to grades, too.
Key Words
appearance concern, 외모관심도, body cathexis, 신체만족도, cosmetic surgery behavior, 화장행동, self-esteem, 자아존중감
A Study on the Effect of Returned Clothes Via On-Line Sales on Their Brands 온라인 상(上)에서 의류제품(衣類製品)의 반품경험(返品經驗)이 브랜드에 대(對)한 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향 연구(影響 硏究)
김련희 Yeon Hee Kim , 김일 Il Kim
7(4) 26-42, 2003
A Study on the Effect of Returned Clothes Via On-Line Sales on Their Brands 온라인 상(上)에서 의류제품(衣類製品)의 반품경험(返品經驗)이 브랜드에 대(對)한 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향 연구(影響 硏究)
김련희 Yeon Hee Kim , 김일 Il Kim
On-line clothes sale are on the increase, and the returns(for replacements or refunds) of the clothes are also increasing. Many studies on off-line consumers` complaints were made before, but few studies on the returns of clothes sold on-line have been made. From this viewpoint, this study was conducted to know what effect returns of clothes sold on-line have on their brands. Therefore, this study was first focused on the factors affecting complaint acts(return intention or return acts) such as lack of information and recognition of product, delivery errors and product defects concerning on-line sales, and second investigated the changes of buyers`` attitude toward the brand following the their acts of returning the buyers, and third looked into the changes of on-line buyers` attitude toward the brand. The study is carried out by subdividing the objects of the study into return action(replacement, refundment) and purchasers who experienced return intention. Such experience is demonstratively analyzed to find how it has affected the attitude toward the brand. The study comes up with the following outcomes. First, the effect factor causing complaint action(return action, return intention) on-line is shown as the lack of the information and recognition of the product. Second, it is revealed that the effect factor causing complaint(return action, return intention) does not lie in an error in delivery or a defect of a product. Third, the positive response of a brand to a return action does not raise the repurchasing intention and positive attitude of purchasers who experienced returning a product, but lowers their private complaint action intention. Fourth, the repurchase intention of purchasers who experienced return intention for the brand is lowered, but their negative attitude and private complaint action intention is not raised.
Key Words
Attitude, 태도, information, 정보, on-Line, 온라인, recognition, 인지, replacement, 교환
A Study on Positioning of Imported Make-up Cosmetics Brand Image Attribute - Focus on Fashion Involvement- 수입색조화장품 상표(輸入色調化粧品 商標)이미지 속성(屬性)에 따른 포지셔닝에 관(觀)한 연구(硏究) -유행관여(流行關與)를 중심(中心)으로-
김예희 Ye Hee Kim , 구자명 Ja Myung Kuh
7(4) 43-56, 2003
A Study on Positioning of Imported Make-up Cosmetics Brand Image Attribute - Focus on Fashion Involvement- 수입색조화장품 상표(輸入色調化粧品 商標)이미지 속성(屬性)에 따른 포지셔닝에 관(觀)한 연구(硏究) -유행관여(流行關與)를 중심(中心)으로-
김예희 Ye Hee Kim , 구자명 Ja Myung Kuh
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of perceptional degree of imported make-up cosmetics brand and importance of brand image attributes, and the evaluation of brand image attributes of imported make-up cosmetics according to fashion involvement and to provide positioning the imported make-up cosmetics brands according to brand image attributes. Survey was conducted to 301 people from age 20 to 30 year female woman who is leaving in Seoul and Kyunggee·Inchon using convenience editing. Material analyzing was done using t-test, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling. The results were as follows. 1. The perceptional degree of brand and the importance brand image attributes showed significant difference according to fashion involvement. 2. The evaluation of brand image attributes of imported make-up cosmetics were different between high involvement group and low involvement group. 3. As a result of multidimensional scaling, the imported make-up cosmetics brands were positioned different according to brand image attributes between high involvement group and low involvement group.
The Effect of Chitosan-Pretreatment on the Cochineal Dyeing of Cotton, Silk, Nylon, and Polyester Fabrics 키토산 전처리(前處理)가 면(綿), 견(絹), 나일론, 폴리에스테르의 코치닐 염색(染色)에 미치는 효과(效果)
전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 김선화 Sun Hwa Kim
7(4) 57-66, 2003
The Effect of Chitosan-Pretreatment on the Cochineal Dyeing of Cotton, Silk, Nylon, and Polyester Fabrics 키토산 전처리(前處理)가 면(綿), 견(絹), 나일론, 폴리에스테르의 코치닐 염색(染色)에 미치는 효과(效果)
전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 김선화 Sun Hwa Kim
Cochineal dyeing was applied to natural fiber fabrics, cotton and silk fabrics, and synthetic fiber fabrics, nylon and polyester fabrics. Chitosan-pretreatment was applied to the fabrics in order to investigate the effect of chitosan treatment on the dyeing behavior. The effect of chitosan treatment on the mordanting was also investigated by incorporating Cu-mordant on the chitosan-treated or chitosan-untreated fabrics during the dyeing process.
A Study on the Realities of Purchasing and the Degree of Satisfaction of Maternity Dress on the Market 시판 임부복(市販 姙婦服)의 구매실태(購買實態) 및 만족도(滿足度)
박영희 Young Hee Park
7(4) 67-77, 2003
A Study on the Realities of Purchasing and the Degree of Satisfaction of Maternity Dress on the Market 시판 임부복(市販 姙婦服)의 구매실태(購買實態) 및 만족도(滿足度)
박영희 Young Hee Park
This study investigated the difference of the purchasing realities and the degree of satisfaction of maternity dress according to occupation and age. The purpose of this study was to collect data needed to the maternity dress maker for the better quality of their product and the more comfortable maternity dress wearing of pregnant women. The results of study were as follows. The attitude of purchasing and the degree of satisfaction of maternity dress according to age showed significant differences as follows. First, the dress styles were the significant difference in the kind of formal trousers and casual trousers, one-piece dress, jumper skirt+shirt, vest+trousers. Second, the purchase place was the significant difference in the shop of clothes made, market, maternity dress shop, wearing together. Third, at the purchase time of dress, the satisfactory degree of an appraised standard was the significant difference in the period of wearing, the easiness of exchange and repayment, the wearing numeral degree of other people, price, discount sale, degree of brand recognition, encouragement of other people.
Key Words
degree of satisfaction, 만족도, maternity dress, 임부복, realities of purchasing, 구매실태
Upper Body Somatotypes of the Left-Handed and the Right-Handed -- Focusing on male and female collegians in their 20s- 왼손 및 오른손 사용자(使用者)의 상반신체형(上半身體型)에 관한 비교연구(比較硏究) -20대(代) 남녀 대학생(男女 大學生)을 중심(中心)으로-
심부자 Boo Ja Shim
7(4) 78-92, 2003
Upper Body Somatotypes of the Left-Handed and the Right-Handed -- Focusing on male and female collegians in their 20s- 왼손 및 오른손 사용자(使用者)의 상반신체형(上半身體型)에 관한 비교연구(比較硏究) -20대(代) 남녀 대학생(男女 大學生)을 중심(中心)으로-
심부자 Boo Ja Shim
The upper-body characteristics of the right-handed and the left-handed are examined and compared through 1-dimensional measurement and 2-dimensional measurement. The results were as follows: 1. According to 1-dimensional measurement results, the clearest differences were seen in girth items rather than height or length items. In particular, hand girth, lower arm girth, and upper arm girth were bigger on the left side in the left-handed group and the right side in the right-handed group. This is thought to be relevant to the arm muscles frequently used. 2. According to 2-dimensional measurement results, significant differences appeared in the females of the left-handed group: shoulder point among width items. In the right-handed group, some differences of significance were shown in females (shoulder point, rear armpit point, and B.P. point among width items) and males (front neck point among extreme vertical distance items). In summary, the body type characteristics of the left-handed and the right-handed reveal great differences in the items related to arm length and arm girth. In other words, the sleeve and shoulder patterns production based on the right-handed don``t rightly reflect the somatotype characteristics of the left-handed. In addition, in the cases of athletes, laborers, and the disabled who frequently use particular muscles or parts of the body, this sort of research in the patterns is consistently needed in order to reflect the size differences in girth items in upper body.
Key Words
1-dimensional measurement, 1차원적 계측법, 2-dimensional measurement, 2차원적 계측법, somatotype, 체형, the Left-handed, 왼손사용자, the right-handed, 오른손사용자
A Study on Consumer Awareness Regarding Apparel Shopping Propensity of Chinese Men in China Market 중국(中國)마켓에서 남성소비자(男性消費者)의 의복(衣服) 쇼핑 성향(性向)에 따른 소비자 의식 연구(消費者 意識 硏究)
신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Im , 최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
7(4) 93-104, 2003
A Study on Consumer Awareness Regarding Apparel Shopping Propensity of Chinese Men in China Market 중국(中國)마켓에서 남성소비자(男性消費者)의 의복(衣服) 쇼핑 성향(性向)에 따른 소비자 의식 연구(消費者 意識 硏究)
신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Im , 최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
This study investigated clothing shopping propensity and consumer awareness of Chinese adult men to provide necessary basic data for effective construction to cope with inroads into Chinese men`s wear market. Research subjects were Chinese men in big five city (Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Harbin, Guangzhou). Returned 863 questionnaires were analyzed by mean, factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan`s Multiple Range, regression analysis with SPSS 10.0. Results of this research were as follows: 1. Chinese men`s apparel shopping propensity factors were analyzed by four groups, such as fashion toward propensity, consume propensity, brand loyalty propensity, and casual preference propensity. 2. Consume propensity among 4 factors influenced most on consumer buying awareness. Brand loyalty propensity among 4 factors influenced most on consumer brand awareness. Fashion toward propensity influenced most on consumer fashion awareness. 3. According to region, there were significant differences to four grouped apparel shopping propensities. Harbin, Guangzhou were indicated higher fashion toward propensity than other areas. Guangzhou was indicated higher consume propensity than Dalian. Dalian was showed lower brand loyalty propensity than other areas. Beijing was showed higher casual preference propensity than Guangzhou. According to income, there were significant differences to four apparel shopping propensities. Highest income group was showed higher fashion toward propensity than other income. The higher men earned income, the higher brand loyalty propensity. Highest income group was showed lower casual preference propensity than lowest income.
Key Words
apparel shopping orientation, 의복 쇼핑 성향, chinese men, 중국남성, consumer, awareness,소비자 의식
Retro Expressed in Culture and Dress of the 19th Century -Focused on Woman`s Dress to Neoclassicism and Romanticism 19세기 문화(19世紀 文化)와 복장(服飾)에 표현(表現)된 복고(復古) -신고전주의(新古典主義)와 낭만주의 여성복(浪漫主義 女性服)을 중심(中心)으로-
안광숙 Kwang Sook An , 박명희 Myoung Hee Park
7(4) 105-120, 2003
Retro Expressed in Culture and Dress of the 19th Century -Focused on Woman`s Dress to Neoclassicism and Romanticism 19세기 문화(19世紀 文化)와 복장(服飾)에 표현(表現)된 복고(復古) -신고전주의(新古典主義)와 낭만주의 여성복(浪漫主義 女性服)을 중심(中心)으로-
안광숙 Kwang Sook An , 박명희 Myoung Hee Park
Culture and society exist in the present, but they came from the past. So did clothing. As dressing is deeply based on culture pattern of the times, it is affected by various culture patterns and still keeps developing in modern times. This study is intended to examine the features of retro fashion on culture and dressing of the 19th century. The features of retro fashion on Neoclassical and Romantic culture and dressing are objection to the existing pattern, recursion to the past, and creativity characteristic of pattern of those days. Neoclassicism arose as it rejected Baroque and Rococo style, and imitated culture and artistic pattern of Greece and Rome. Romanticism objected to formal and universal pattern of Neoclassicism, and imitated Gothic style while recognizing historical facts and studying medieval times. Dressing in Neoclassicism did not accept exaggerated and luxurious Rococo pattern, and imitated simple, soft and straight silhouette of Greece and Rome and created its unique Empire Style. Romanticism imitated luxurious style of Renaissance, the Middle Ages, Baroque, and Rococo, different from simple and straight neoclassical style during the Bourbon restoration, and created its unique style. Thus, it is shown that retro fashion on Neoclassical and Romantic culture and dressing reflect the style of those days.
A Study on the Physical Properties and Subjective Evaluation of the PTT[Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)] Fabric PTT[Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)] 직물(織物)의 물리적 특성(物理的 特性) 및 주관적 평가(主觀的 評價)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
서효정 Hyo Jeong Seo , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
7(4) 121-128, 2003
A Study on the Physical Properties and Subjective Evaluation of the PTT[Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)] Fabric PTT[Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)] 직물(織物)의 물리적 특성(物理的 特性) 및 주관적 평가(主觀的 評價)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
서효정 Hyo Jeong Seo , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
A new textile material, poly(trimethylene terephthalate) polymer, has been introduced to the textile industry. The structure of PTT is similar to the PET, while the tensile deformation and subsequent recovery property is better than that of PET. In this study, the physical and mechanical properties of textile woven fabrics made of PTT, PET, and nylon 6 yarns as the filling yarn were determined using the Kawabata Evaluation System (KES), including tensile, bending, shearing, compression, and surface related parameters. On top of these measurements, the subjective ratings by evaluators were performed on the fabric samples. From the examination of the stress-strain behavior of the yarn specimens focused on the recovery mode, it was evident that the PTT specimen developed lower stress at 3% elongation. The subsequent recovery curve showed that the PTT has less stress-decay rate than the other specimens, implying that the recovery behavior of the PTT is recommendable for the end-uses including stretchable textile materials, sports wears, etc. The KES bending rigidity(B) value of the PTT sample fabric was lower than that of the PET sample fabric. Subjective evaluation of the fabric samples by the evaluators on the descriptive word pair "soft - not soft" showed similar tendency with the KES B determination of the fabric samples.
A Study on the Basic Bodice Block for Adult Women in China -Focusing on Resident in Beijing and Sanghai- 중국 성인여성(中國 成人女性)의 Bodice원형 연구(硏究) -북경,상해지역 거주자(北京,上海地域 居住者)를 중심(中心)으로-
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 위혜정 Hye Jung Wee
7(4) 129-141, 2003
A Study on the Basic Bodice Block for Adult Women in China -Focusing on Resident in Beijing and Sanghai- 중국 성인여성(中國 成人女性)의 Bodice원형 연구(硏究) -북경,상해지역 거주자(北京,上海地域 居住者)를 중심(中心)으로-
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 위혜정 Hye Jung Wee
The aim of this study was to improve the fitness of Korean made apparel products being exported to China by developed the standard bodice block for the standard body of chinese women. For study, 139 adult Chinese women(aged between 19 and 24) in Beijing and Shanghai were sampled to be measured for there body sizes. In order to develope the standard bodice block, 3 women was selected closely the standard body measurement and the fitting was tested. The results of this study were as follows. As compared with the means measurement of chinese women in Beijing and Shanghai, there were difference between the two. Especially, width, thickness, girth and hight items. The standard bodice block drafted and tested. It showed unfit problems. and were adjusted. The application measurements of standard body was selected. As based on item, it has finally developed the standard bodice block of tight-fitting shape.
Key Words
the standard bodice block, bodice 원형, the standard body measurement, 표준체형치수, tight-fitting shape, 신체밀착형
A Study on Traditional Costume of the Minorities in Guizhou Province of China 중국 귀주성 소수민족(中國 貴州省 少數民族)의 민족복식(民族服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
부애진 Ae Jin Boo
7(4) 142-154, 2003
A Study on Traditional Costume of the Minorities in Guizhou Province of China 중국 귀주성 소수민족(中國 貴州省 少數民族)의 민족복식(民族服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
부애진 Ae Jin Boo
This study was conducted on the costume of the 6 minorities dwelling in Guizhou Province of China. The result of the study is summarized as follows. As Guizhou Province yields much silver, most of the minorities used silver ornaments a lot and dyed their garments by using indigo extracted from plants that grow in the area. The headdress was of style that for both men and women a long cloth is wound around a head in various ways. In some cases, women used cow``s horn, pearl and silver ornaments. Most wore a short upper garment such as blouses with overlapping necks or blouses with diagonal on the front, and as a lower garment men and women wore trousers and skirts, respectively. As a way of ornament, embroidering, wax printing and weaving were commonly used, but pattern and color used in the ornament varied depending on the individual minorities.
Key Words
guizhou province, 귀주성, headdress, 두식, silver ornaments, 은장식, the minorities, 소수민족, way of ornament, 장식 기법