A Study on Development of Chinese Men`s Apparel Sizing System 중국(中國) 성인남성용(成人男性用) 의류치수규격(衣類値數規格) 설정연구(設定硏究) 1
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Lim , 김지연 Jee Yeon Kim
8(1) 1-15, 2004
A Study on Development of Chinese Men`s Apparel Sizing System 중국(中國) 성인남성용(成人男性用) 의류치수규격(衣類値數規格) 설정연구(設定硏究) 1
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Lim , 김지연 Jee Yeon Kim
The purpose of this study is to provide for some basic data useful to production of the apparels fit and measured well for the Chinese men. For this purpose, Chinese men`s apparel measurements and specifications were determined per area group(Beijing/ Shanghai) according to the Men`s Wear Specifications (GB/T 1335.1-1997), National Standards of People`s Republic of China. The collected data were statistically processed using SAS 6.12 for technical statistical analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, group-wise analysis and ANOVA. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. As a result of dividing the Chinese men into Beijing and Shanghai men and thereby, setting height and upper chest circumference for upper garments and height and waist for lower garments. 2. Analyzing the correlations according to the three-fold classifications of height/upper chest circumference/waist for garment specifications, 17 specifications based on heights and upper chest circumferences for Beijing men`s upper garments could be designed within the deviation level of 2%, while 15 specifications based on waist measurements could be designed (between 70 ~ 98cm) for their lower garments within the deviation level of 4%. Thus, a total of 60 combinations of the specifications could be obtained. 3. 16 specifications based on heights and upper chest circumferences for Shanghai men`s upper garments could be designed within the deviation level of 2%, while 16 specifications based on waist measurements could be designed (between 68 ~ 98cm) for their lower garments within the deviation level of 3%. Thus, a total of 56 combinations of the specifications could be obtained. For other reference measurements, grading measures were set for each type and body part, while the average measures of major body parts were calculated.
Key Words
Chinese Men, 중국성인남성, apparel measurements specifications, 의류치수규격, height and upper chest circumference, 키와 윗가슴둘레
Study on Image of Femme Fatale represented on Costumes in the Movie "Chicago" 영화 "시카고"의 의상(衣裳)에 나타난 팜므 파탈 이미지 연구(硏究)
김지영 Ji Young Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
8(1) 16-33, 2004
Study on Image of Femme Fatale represented on Costumes in the Movie "Chicago" 영화 "시카고"의 의상(衣裳)에 나타난 팜므 파탈 이미지 연구(硏究)
김지영 Ji Young Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
Up to now, image of femme fatale has undergone constant transformation to be inherited and developed through various genres of movies. With few exceptions such cases have represented sensuality of women by costumes with the most distinctive and exaggerated sexuality. Temptresses in movies are mostly drawn as extravagant and gorgeous one or a gloomy and dreary woman. Such an image is reinforced with make-up, hair style, accessories, attitude and manner of talking. The movie ``Chicago`` is a musical film that crosses the boundaries of reality and fantasy with dancing and singing. Its lighting, stage setting, powerful and sexy dancing augmented already exaggerated and sensual costumes. Following is the analysis of costumes for two heroines as images of femme fatale. Strong contrast of color among black, red and blue on see-through & stickingly tight body suit signifies liberal mind and arrogant charisma of Velma. The contrast, haughty gestures, cropped black hair and thick makeups represent sex appeal, aggressive image, and fearlessly determined character of femme fatale. Roxie wears decent dresses in front of public and gorgeous stage costume in fantasy to convey two images of bad girl and angel. Her body suit, showing off lustering materials and dazzling bead decoration, is rather loose but still displays her bodyline to emphasize sexiness for representation of desire in fantasy. Chastity and innocence are implied with the decency of dresses in reality. They were specially chosen to draw public sympathy and indicate cunning disguise of Roxy who desperately wants to realize her desire. These dauntless costumes, which sufficiently express inside aspirations of Velma and Roxie later denote open and realistic social yearning rather than fatal desire hidden behind sensual beauty. It doesn`t exist as imperfect, unrealistic and socially disdainful ambition as the image of femme fatale of paintings and movies did before in history. Femme fatale is expressed with deep cleavage, silk dresses that explicitly display bodyline, sexiness of mesh stockings with garter belts. All of these won`t be utilized as a negative tool to seduce and destroy someone anymore but rather, they should represent rightful and fair nature of humans such as men`s curiosity who secretly steal a look at them or female sexuality that women spontaneously want to show off.
Qualitative Study on Emotion Aspect Experiencing When Consumers are Purchasing Clothing Through T.V Home-Shopping T.V홈쇼핑 의류제품(衣類製品) 구매(構買)시 경험(經驗)하는 감정적(感情的) 측면(側面)에 관(關)한 질적연구(質的硏구)
차인숙 In Suk Cha , 이경희 Kyoung Hee Lee
8(1) 34-48, 2004
Qualitative Study on Emotion Aspect Experiencing When Consumers are Purchasing Clothing Through T.V Home-Shopping T.V홈쇼핑 의류제품(衣類製品) 구매(構買)시 경험(經驗)하는 감정적(感情的) 측면(側面)에 관(關)한 질적연구(質的硏구)
차인숙 In Suk Cha , 이경희 Kyoung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study is to explore emotion aspects of consumers purchasing clothing through cable television home shopping. Qualitative research method is used to widely understand how emotion aspects of consumers have effected on their purchasing behavior. The results of depth interviews may be classified into 13 feelings factors satisfaction, pleasure/delight, respect, attraction, fresh, convenience, unburdened, emptiness, displeasure/temper, anxiety, tedious, distrust, regret. The content of information acquiring from the process of clothing purchase decision making is analysed. In the problem recognition stage, purchase motivation were physical space (around people) and imaginary space(by how clothing goods are introduced to consumers thorough TV monitor). In the information search stage, purchasing action patterns to search information were situational pattern and habitual pattern. In alternative evaluation stage, the considering best important factors to choice clothes were quality, price, design, and color. In purchase stage, consumers said they felt anxiety, because of characteristics of purchase way that they should pay first and then received the ordered goods a fews days later. In post-purchase behavior stage, if consumers satisfied goods purchased through TV home shopping, they recommended it to around others, but unsatisfied with ordered goods, they tried to refund, exchange with anther one, or write it on homepage of the home shopping company.
Key Words
Cable TV home shopping, 케이블 T.V홈쇼핑, Qualitative research method, 질적 연구방법, emotion aspects, 감정적 측면, purchase decision making process, 구매의사결정과정
A Study of merchandise recognition for VMD expansion in the fashion business 패션비지니스에서 VMD전개(展開)를 위한 상품인식(商品認識)에 관한 연구(硏究)
심낙훈 Nark Hoon Shim
8(1) 49-60, 2004
A Study of merchandise recognition for VMD expansion in the fashion business 패션비지니스에서 VMD전개(展開)를 위한 상품인식(商品認識)에 관한 연구(硏究)
심낙훈 Nark Hoon Shim
Merchandise should show a visual message that gives consumers` life an additional meaning besides practicality. This should be based on the concept of the merchandise. But in reality, concept is not often properly shown at the store and this is the result more of an inadequate recognition of the merchandise than the store environment. Therefore, this study promotes the recognition of the emotional and cultural point of merchandise, and applies keywords extracted from the practise of marketing to sales strategies for the growth of the fashion business and the VMD expansion.
The Design Project Based on the Proference and the Actual Condition of Patient`s Clothes 환자복(患者腹)의 실태(實態) 및 선호도(選好度)에 따른 디자인 기획(企劃)
유미애 Mi Ae Ryu , 박옥련 Ok Lyun Park
8(1) 61-75, 2004
The Design Project Based on the Proference and the Actual Condition of Patient`s Clothes 환자복(患者腹)의 실태(實態) 및 선호도(選好度)에 따른 디자인 기획(企劃)
유미애 Mi Ae Ryu , 박옥련 Ok Lyun Park
This paper has the meaning to plan new design of patient`s cloth focusing on its aesthetic aspect through surveying actual condition of use of patient`s cloth and reflecting color or pattern that patient prefers to it. Substantial purpose of this paper is 1) to survey actual condition of patient`s cloth on the basis of general hospital of downtown of Busan City, 2) to revise difficulty of patient`s cloth and survey and analyze color and pattern that patient prefers and 3) to suggest new patient`s cloth design using color and pattern that meets function that is not difficult for patient`s activity and cure and stabilizes patient`s mind on the basis of the result of analysis The result of this paper is like follow. 1. Problem of current patient`s cloth is that most hospital uses patient`s cloth having white background and hospital logo of blue or green color and its length is too long so it requires adjustment of length of sleeves and pants 2. The result from analyzing preferred patient`s cloth is that patient prefers patient`s cloth classified by man and woman, one that its length of sleeves and pants are adjusted and one that there is no collar in its neckline. Regarding color, male patient prefers mild indigo color(5PB7/7) and mild green color (5G9/2) and female patient prefers bright purple color and bright scarlet color(5YR8/7). Regarding pattern, both of man and woman prefers natural pattern. 3. This paper planned total 6 kinds of patient`s cloth (common patient`s cloth: 2 kinds, male patient`s cloth: 2 kinds and female patient`s cloth: 2 kinds) through revising difficulty and using new color and pattern according to result of preference.
A Study on Women`s Face Types Classification and Shape Differences 20대 여성의 얼굴유형 분류 및 형태적 특성 연구
송미영 Mi Young Song , 박옥련 Ok Lyun Park
8(1) 76-90, 2004
A Study on Women`s Face Types Classification and Shape Differences 20대 여성의 얼굴유형 분류 및 형태적 특성 연구
송미영 Mi Young Song , 박옥련 Ok Lyun Park
The purpose of this study was to classify women`s face types and to analyze the measurement of face types. For study, 180 adult women(aged between 20 and 29) in Pusan and Ulsan area was sampled to be measured for facial types. Data were analyzed by Frequencies, Means, Duncan`s Multiple Range Test, Distinction analysis. The major results were as followed. Women`s face types were classified by 6 types and there were round shape(29.4%), oblong shape(18.9%), inverted triangle shape(16.1%), square shape(13.9%), egg shape(11.7%), diamond shape(10.0%) in the subject. Phyiognomic facial height was 182.38mm, the upper face length was 59.82mm, the middle face length 60.82mm, the lower face length 61.76mm, and the index of face length to face breadth was 1.35. The face width was 134.90mm, interocular distance 34.75mm, the nose width 33.93mm, and mouth width was 43.87mm. And also, differences from those measurements like forehead breadth, face length/bizygion breadth, forehead slopper, bigonion breadth, bignathion breadth, bignathion slopper.
Key Words
Women`s face types, 여성의 얼굴 유형, measurements, 계측치, differences, 특성
The Types and Aesthetic Characteristics in the Sportism Expressed in Modern Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 스포티즘의 유형(類型)과 미적(美的) 특성(特性)
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
8(1) 91-106, 2004
The Types and Aesthetic Characteristics in the Sportism Expressed in Modern Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 스포티즘의 유형(類型)과 미적(美的) 특성(特性)
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
This study focuses on the sportism expressed in the modern fashion. Many factors attribute to the advent of sportism such as rapid development and cultural changes toward sports, increase in leisure time, new fashion materials resulting from new technologies, youth culture and postmodernism. Designers gazing into the future are inspired by the details and functionality of clothing for snow boarding, skiing, rock-climbing and fitness. While the sportswear is the term whith stemmed from the need for functionally in sports, the Sportism is the style inspired by the formative elements, that is, the details, the silhouette, and the colors of the sportswear. New technologies for sports, the powerful influence of youthful culture, and the celebritizations of the sports stars made the sports look more popular. It can be categorized into three aesthetic values, i.e., the functional sportism, the street sportism, and the futuristic sportism. The functional sportism is expressed with the details of function, simplicity, and no useless ornament, the street sportism with fun, androgynous and unisex mode and the image of hip-hop look and traditional look, the futuristic sportism with new high tech fabrics and cyber style. The characters of these are a sence of unisex, sensualness, ostentation, renovation.
Key Words
Sportism, 스포티즘, Functional Sportism, 기능지향 스포티즘, Street Sportism, 스트리트 스포티즘, Futuristic Sportism, 미래지향 스포티즘
A Study on the improvement plan of the domestic women`s magazine -the analysis from the visual aspect- 국내(國內) 여성(女性)매거진의 개선방안(改善方案)에 관한 연구(硏究) -시각적(視覺的) 측면(側面)에서의 분석(分析)-
송민정 Min Jung Song
8(1) 107-116, 2004
A Study on the improvement plan of the domestic women`s magazine -the analysis from the visual aspect- 국내(國內) 여성(女性)매거진의 개선방안(改善方案)에 관한 연구(硏究) -시각적(視覺的) 측면(側面)에서의 분석(分析)-
송민정 Min Jung Song
In the modern society, magazine is a information communicating media which is an important element in assessing the whole of a nation`s cultural standard. More subdivided fields of magazines are expanding according to the diversified concepts. As the variety of Korean edition of foreign magazines are increasing, the type of Women`s magazines are also diversifying and expanding. By finding out the problems and analyzing the visual side of domestic women`s magazines among the intense competition of the magazines, the design improvement program was requested. The analysis result from the visual side of domestic women`s magazines tells us that the problem of current domestic women`s magazines is that their identities are not clear. The cause can be divided into three reasons: First, it is the lack of creativity and originality. There is a limitation in arousing the readers` interests by designing the magazines with similar layouts. Second, there are no distinct design concepts in the magazines. It seems as if the uniformity is lacked as the impression the magazine gives is not clear. The diversification of layouts and the use of design elements could actually bring about a counter result. Third, the excessive advertisement pages is another reason. The ads that covers over 35% of the whole of the magazine can act as a factor that drops the readers` trust in the magazine.
A Study on a Consumers Attitude toward PPL(Product Placement) of Fashion Products -Centering on TV- 패션상품의 제품배치(PPL)에 대한 소비자(消費者)의 태도(態度) 연구(硏究) -TV를 중심으로-
김일 Il Kim , 김기영 Ki Young Kim
8(1) 117-132, 2004
A Study on a Consumers Attitude toward PPL(Product Placement) of Fashion Products -Centering on TV- 패션상품의 제품배치(PPL)에 대한 소비자(消費者)의 태도(態度) 연구(硏究) -TV를 중심으로-
김일 Il Kim , 김기영 Ki Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze consumers attitude toward PPL (Product Placement) of fashion products on TV, with regarding PPL as a new-communication sphere of marketing. This study used a questionnaire method, and the results of the analysis are as follows. First, as for the information availability of PPL related to fashion products on TV, it was shown to be higher in order of trend, brand, color, practicability, price and material. Second, as a result of analyzing, through 11 items, the attitude on PPL experience of fashion products on TV, there were many positive responses as to 5 items (The commodity with PPL is the product of a renowned brand, The commodity with PPL is the expensive product, An image of the product with PPL becomes good, The product with PPL is suitable to the mood in a drama, I try to think whether the product with PPL matches with myself), and there were more negative responses as to 6 items (Because of desiring to know a brand of the product with PPL, I look for it, The product with PPL is practical, The product with PPL is same as the real situation, I will also buy the product with PPL, Because there are too many commodities with PPL, I become angry, In case of facing PPL, I change a channel). Third, it was shown that the purchase experience and purchase intention as to the product with PPL on TV, have a positive correlation with TV viewing time and with whether or not re-approval as to PPL of a specific company. Also, the purchase experience as to the product with PPL on TV was shown much in the group of viewing TV via internet and in the group of using the digital TV broadcasting. The purchase intention as to the product with PPL on TV was shown higher in the group of using much cable TV broadcasting and general TV broadcasting, while the group of viewing TV via internet had purchase experience, but the response of not having intention of repurchasing was the highest.
Key Words
Product Placement, PPL, 제품배치, Consumers Attitude, 소비자 태도
A Study on the Underwear Pattern Sizes among Toddlers` Brands 토들러복 브랜드의 내의(內衣) 패턴 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
김진 Jin Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
8(1) 133-140, 2004
A Study on the Underwear Pattern Sizes among Toddlers` Brands 토들러복 브랜드의 내의(內衣) 패턴 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
김진 Jin Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
In order to compare the pattern sizes of toddlers` brands, the apparel size #95 and #100, #110 were surveyed, while upper body lengths, bust circumferences and waists, hip circumferences, shoulder length, sleeve length, neck circumferences of toddlers` underwears were examined. As a result, it was found that upper body lengths, chest circumferences and lower body lengths of toddlers` underwears differed more or by 2.0cm ~ 3.0cm among brands than other sizes. In case of underwear size #95, the average upper body length was 32.8cm; the upper body size of "c" brand was longest or 33.5cm, while that of "e" brand was shortest or 32.0cm. In case of size #80, the average upper body length was 36.0cm; the upper body size of "a" brand was longest or 37.0cm, while that of "e" brand was shortest of 35.0cm. Such findings may be attributable to the fact that the main customers of "a" and "b" brands whose pattern sizes are larger are middle or lower class people who tend to buy larger toddlers` apparels than their children`s actual body sizes. In contrast, "e" brand seems to target the upper class who prefers the apparels almost fitting their children`s actual body sizes.
A Study on the Handle of Cotton Fabric treated with Chitosan Polyurethane Mixed Solution by KES (1) 키토산-폴리우레탄 혼합용액(混合溶液)으로 처리(處理)된 면직물(綿織物)의 KES에 의한 태분석(態分析) (1)
윤세희 Se Hee Yoon , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
8(1) 141-155, 2004
A Study on the Handle of Cotton Fabric treated with Chitosan Polyurethane Mixed Solution by KES (1) 키토산-폴리우레탄 혼합용액(混合溶液)으로 처리(處理)된 면직물(綿織物)의 KES에 의한 태분석(態分析) (1)
윤세희 Se Hee Yoon , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Chitosan, the natural biodegradable polymer derived from chitin by de- acetylation, has been widely applied to the textile finishing processes for excellent anti-microbial characteristic and handle improvement of fabric. The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of handle when cotton fabric is treated with chitosan-polyurethane mixed solution. The viscosity values of chitosan solutions were 8cps and 50cps, and the wet-pick-up% was maintained at 90%. In case of mixing with water soluble polyurethane, the mixture ratio of chitosan and polyurethane was settled on the solid content ratio of 1:0, 1:0.5, 1:1, 1:2. Also the change of physical properties by neutralization in NaOH solution was studied. The results can be summarized up as follows : 1. Extensibility(EM) and tensile energy(WT) of cotton fabric treated with chitosan are decreased, but bending rigidity(B) is remarkably increased. With the addition of polyurethane, the decrease of EM and WT is weakened and the increase of B is weakened. The case of neutralization is similar to the case of polyurethane addition. 2. By treating fabric with chitosan, FUKURAMI(Fullness and softness) is decreased, but KOSHI(Stiffness), SHARI(Crispness), HARI(Anti-drape Stiff ness) are increased. With the addition of polyurethane, the decrease of FUKURAMI is diminished and the increase of KOSHI, SHARI, HARI are diminished. 3. As the viscosity of chitosan solution increased, the air permeability value increased. The addition of polyurethane decreased the air permeability.
A Study on the Handle of Cotton Fabric treated with Chitosan Polyurethane Mixed Solution by KES (2) 키토산-폴리우레탄 혼합용액(混合溶液)으로 처리(處理)된 면직물(綿織物)의 KES에 의한 태분석(態分析) (2)
윤세희 Se Hee Yoon , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
8(1) 156-163, 2004
A Study on the Handle of Cotton Fabric treated with Chitosan Polyurethane Mixed Solution by KES (2) 키토산-폴리우레탄 혼합용액(混合溶液)으로 처리(處理)된 면직물(綿織物)의 KES에 의한 태분석(態分析) (2)
윤세희 Se Hee Yoon , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of handle when cotton fabric is treated with chitosan-polyurethane mixed solution and crosslinked with epichlorohydrin in order to form three-dimensional crosslinks in the molecules, which in turn would improve the wash-fastness of the chitosan-treated fabrics. The application of epichlorohydrin decreased the EM(Tensile extensibility) and WT(Tensile energy) values, indicating the stiffness increased in the treated fabrics due to the 3-dimensional crosslinking. The crosslinking of the cotton fabric samples resulted in the increase in T.H.V. effectively for the use of summer dress shirt fabric.