A Study on Consumer Attitude Toward Original Brand and Imitation Goods in Fashion 패션 오리지널브랜드(名品)와 이미테이션상품(商品)에 대(對)한 소비자(消費者) 태도(態度) 연구(硏究)
정재훈 Jae Hoon Jung , 김일 Il Kim
8(2) 1-14, 2004
A Study on Consumer Attitude Toward Original Brand and Imitation Goods in Fashion 패션 오리지널브랜드(名品)와 이미테이션상품(商品)에 대(對)한 소비자(消費者) 태도(態度) 연구(硏究)
정재훈 Jae Hoon Jung , 김일 Il Kim
The purpose of study is to analyze the consumer attitude toward original brand and imitation goods. To carry out this purpose, the study examined consumers` purchase frequency, degree of concern, future purchase, intention, other people`s evaluation and self-satisfaction. The results of experiment can be summarized as follows: First, the consumers didn`t show high degree of purchase frequency, of concern, of future purchase but they showed positive attitude in other people`s evaluation and self-satisfaction. Second, they showed high degree of the purchase of imitation goods but they didn`t show high degree of their degree of satisfaction. Third, with regard of their purchase intention, they purchased imitation goods because they were cheap, regardless of image, quality and design which original brand name goods had. Finally, to figure out the correlation between original brand name goods and imitation goods, their purchase intention of original brand name goods was surveyed according to their satisfaction with imitation goods after they purchased them. According to the result, they answered that they would purchase original brand name goods when they satisfied with imitation goods.
Key Words
original brand, 오리지널 브랜드, imitation goods, 이미테이션상품, consumer attitude, 소비자 태도
The Study on Consumer in Second Hand Luxury Market 중고(中古) 명품(名品) 사이트의 운영실태(運營實態)와 소비자(消費者) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김희라 Hee Ra Kim , 신혜원 Hye Won Shin , 이정욱 Jung Uk Rhee , 하오선 O Sun Ha , 김태인 Tae In Kim
8(2) 15-25, 2004
The Study on Consumer in Second Hand Luxury Market 중고(中古) 명품(名品) 사이트의 운영실태(運營實態)와 소비자(消費者) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김희라 Hee Ra Kim , 신혜원 Hye Won Shin , 이정욱 Jung Uk Rhee , 하오선 O Sun Ha , 김태인 Tae In Kim
The purposes of this study were to review the management systems of internet web sites dealing with ``second hand luxury goods``, examine purchasing motives and the level of satisfaction, and identify the differences of consumers` characteristics between purchasers and non-purchasers. 8 representative internet web sites were investigated. And 80 purchasers and 94 non-purchasers were surveyed using questionnaires. The data were analyzed using t-test and frequency analysis. The results were as followings: 1) Most purchasers of second hand luxury goods were women aged 20`s. They used internet web sites to purchase real luxury goods more cheaply and were satisfied with their purchase behavior; 2) Both purchasers and non-purchasers of second hand luxury goods got high scores for the self-esteem and the propensity of materialism and conspicuous consumption which were above average. But both of them were less influenced by reference group; and 3) The propensity of materialism and the preference to name brands of purchasers were higher than those of non-purchasers.
Key Words
second hand Luxury goods, 중고 명품, purchasing motives, 구매 동기, satisfaction, 만족, materialism, 물질주의, conspicuous consumption, 과시소비
Comparative Study on Somatotype Characteristic based on Sasang Physical Constitution and Body Measurement Method for Women in their 20`s 사상체질(四象體質)에 근거(根據)한 체질별(體質別) 체형특성(體型特性)과 인체계측(人體計測)을 통(通)한 유형별(類型別) 체형특성(體型特性)과의 비교연구(比較硏究) -20대(代) 성인여성(成人女性)을 중심(中心)으로-
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 이소영 So Young Lee
8(2) 26-41, 2004
Comparative Study on Somatotype Characteristic based on Sasang Physical Constitution and Body Measurement Method for Women in their 20`s 사상체질(四象體質)에 근거(根據)한 체질별(體質別) 체형특성(體型特性)과 인체계측(人體計測)을 통(通)한 유형별(類型別) 체형특성(體型特性)과의 비교연구(比較硏究) -20대(代) 성인여성(成人女性)을 중심(中心)으로-
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 이소영 So Young Lee
This study aims to compare and analyze somatotype characteristics in clothing ergonomics as well as Sasang (Oriental physical constitution type classification into 4 kinds: taeyang, taeeum, soyang, soeum) medicine. The subjects were women collegians in their 20s. As a result, a new approach was made in somatotype classification. The following are conclusions: 1. The results of body measurement of the subjects belonged to 1 in most items when they were compared with the average records of female adults in their 20s in the national standard physique report. Thus, the subjects belonged to the average somatotype. 2. According to Sasang physical constitution classification, no subjects belonged to taeyang-type. Taeeum type (28.4%), had lower-body development greatest height and even development in width, thickness and girth. Soeum-type(37.8%) had the smallest physique. Soyang-type(33.8%) showed small values in height but great values in width, thickness and girth. 3. The factor analysis revealed 5 factors of somatotype characteristics: lower body factors including body weight, upper body factors, height factors including stature, belly width factors including waist and belly, and other factors comprising ankle and head size. 4. A cluster analysis by way of factor scores resulted in 3 types: cluster 1 44.6%, biggest values, largest somatotypes; cluster 2 17.6%, average somatotypes; cluster 3 tiniest somatotypes in most items. 5. In the crosstabs analysis, taeeum-type (57.6%) appeared a lot in cluster 1, soyang-type (76.9%) appeared most in cluster 2, and soeum-type (69.9%) was mostly seen in cluster 3. To sum up, the somatotype analysis of clothing ergonomics had something to do with constitution classification suggested in Sasang medicine. For clear justification, more systematic and scientific research should be followed with even more diverse subjects in sex and age.
A Study on the Cosmetics Store Selection Behavior -Department Stores and Large-Scale Discount Stores- 화장품(化粧品) 점포선택행동(店鋪選擇行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -백화점(百貨店)과 대형할인점(大形割引店)을 중심(中心)으로-
선정희 Jung Hee Sun , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
8(2) 42-55, 2004
A Study on the Cosmetics Store Selection Behavior -Department Stores and Large-Scale Discount Stores- 화장품(化粧品) 점포선택행동(店鋪選擇行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -백화점(百貨店)과 대형할인점(大形割引店)을 중심(中心)으로-
선정희 Jung Hee Sun , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
The purpose of this study was to classify the contents of department stores and large-scale discount stores of consumer on information source, shopping orientation and store image in an effort to determine which variable gave a crucial impact on cosmetics department stores and large-scale discount stores selection behavior. The subjects of this study were 557 adult women visited department store and large-scale discount store in Busan. The data were analyzed by using Factor analysis, Frequency analysis, Correlation analysis, Cronabach α and Regression analysis. The results were as follows; 1. There was a difference in the demographical characteristics on department stores and large-scale discount stores of consumers. 2. Shopping Orientation of consumers were categorized into 5 types, and information source of consumers did 3 types, and store image of consumers did 5 types. 3. Leisure utilization, store & brand loyalty, store information, personal information, massmedia information, product & operate on, store atmosphere & salesperson and shopping convenience had positive correlations with cosmetics department stores selection beavior. but convenient location, rationality & economy and sales promotion had negative correlations with cosmetics department stores selection beavior. 4. Rationality & economy and sales promotion had positive correlations with cosmetics large-scale discount stores selection beavior. but convenient location, leisure utilization, store & brand loyalty, massmedia information, product & operate on, store atmosphere & salesperson and shopping convenience had negative correlations with cosmetics large-scale discount stores selection beavior. 5. Age, income, business(-), convenient location(-), rationality & economy(-), leisure utilization, store & brand loyalty, store information, personal information, massmedia information, store atmosphere & salesperson, shopping convenience and sales promotion(-) had a direct effect on cosmetics department stores selection beavior. Age, income, marriage, education had an indirect effect on department stores selection beavior through information source and store image, and information source did through store image, and shopping orientation did through store image. 6. Rationality & economy, convenient location(-), leisure utilization(-), store & brand loyalty(-), buying independence(-), personal information, massmedia information(-), product & operate on(-), shopping convenience(-) and sales promotion had a direct effect on cosmetics large-scale discount stores selection beavior. Age, income, marriage, education had an indirect effect on large-scale discount stores selection beavior through information source, shopping orientation and store image, and information source did through store image, and shopping orientation did through store image.
Key Words
cosmetics store selection behavior, 화장품 점포선택행동, department stores, 백화점, Large-scale discount stores, 대형할인점
A Study on the Outsourcing and the Effective Application Method for Men`s Wear Industry in Korea 국내(國內) 패션산업(産業)의 아웃소싱(outsourcing) 현황(現況)과 효율적(效率的) 활용방법(活用方法)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -남성복(男性服)을 중심(中心)으로-
김일 Il Kim , 이정찬 Joung Chan Lee
8(2) 56-68, 2004
A Study on the Outsourcing and the Effective Application Method for Men`s Wear Industry in Korea 국내(國內) 패션산업(産業)의 아웃소싱(outsourcing) 현황(現況)과 효율적(效率的) 활용방법(活用方法)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -남성복(男性服)을 중심(中心)으로-
김일 Il Kim , 이정찬 Joung Chan Lee
Korean fashion industry is not exceptional in terms of positive offense of multinationals and management circumstance of corporations which is changeful momentarily. Accelerated bycontinuous industry growth and particular policy to promote fashion industry, Korean fashion industry has been inflated quantitatively. In this paper the author presents a effective model which is applicable to the area of outsourcing in Korean men`s wear industry incomplete and non-systematic. Studying and analyzing the state of outsourcing in other industries which use advanced outsourcing systems, the author suggests how to customize their advanced systems to men`s wear industry. For the successful outsourcing, fashion brands have to recognize the specialized ability of outsourcing companies, go into partnership with them horizontally and concede their own value, not only for cost reduction. On the other hand, outsourcing companies should mediate between two parties, fashion brands and manufacturers, have the ability to create new designs, be able to present merchandises that fashion brands want, invest money in developing creative designs and new products which have good quality, and handle many manufactures specialized in their own areas to play an important role in mediating fashion brand sand manufactures. In this paper, the author tries to study forward direction of specialized outsourcing companies theoretically and is going to apply this theory to men`s wear industry to make Korean fashion industry survive in international market successfully.
A Study on the Recognition of Korean Image Fashion Designs by U.K Fashion Specialists 한국적(韓國的) 패션디자인에 대(對)한 영국(英國) 패션전문가(專門家)들의 인식(認識) 조사(調査)
박혜원 Hye Won Park
8(2) 69-90, 2004
A Study on the Recognition of Korean Image Fashion Designs by U.K Fashion Specialists 한국적(韓國的) 패션디자인에 대(對)한 영국(英國) 패션전문가(專門家)들의 인식(認識) 조사(調査)
박혜원 Hye Won Park
The purpose of this study is to find the recognition of Korean image fashion design by U.K fashion specialists. U.K is one of the important countries in design field including fashion design since 1960. For this purpose, literature research and focus individual interview research were carried. First, through the researches precedent, it was found that a national image is related with it`s design industry and what is Korean image fashion design, were studied. Second, for individual interviews to 13 U.K fashion specialists, who are teaching and researching in University that has postgraduate course over M.A and had industrial experiences from 7years to 22years, were progressed using open questions and visual image stimulus. The open questions were consisted with four parts : personal educational and industrial background, recognitions about oriental fashion, recognitions about Korean image and Korean fashion design before seeing the visual stimulus, recognition about Korean image fashion design and the characteristics of Korean after seeing the visual stimulus. The results are as follows; First, the 12 U.K specialists have recognized ``oriental fashion`` is one of important fashion trends now a days. Japan and Japanese designers are recognized as a represented nation and designer in oriental fashion by them. Two of the specialists referred to need changing the term ``oriental`` because the term has been used in the sights of western from colonial age and Japanese is not included the oriental any more. Secondly, 11 interviews have recognized nothing about the Korean national image some of them has negative image due to political situation in Korean Peninsula. However 2 interviews who had been Korea before has positive image. In the questions about Korean fashion and Korean fashion designers, 10 of 13 interviews have nothing and negative recognitions. So it was founded that Korean fashion design was recognized as a lower level by U. K. fashion specialists. Thirdly, in the questions about Korean fashion image and the design characteristics of Korean fashion after seeing the visual stimulus, the response was represented two directions. One is about over decorative image through ethnic design and the other is about simple image differ from Japanese. The 13 interviews felt the Korean Image fashion design such like traditional, decorative, opulent, flat cutting, fresh proportion, loose, layering, natural, simplicity, complicate, adventure, easy, stylish, soft, feminine, young image, adult sexy image. The images were analyzed five image groups : adult sexy image, adult ethnic image, natural image, young avant-garde image, young simple casual image. No one preferred the adult sexy image, adult ethnic image and natural image. However 10 interviews preferred young avant-garde group and 13 interviews preferred the young simple casual image. So this group can be understanded and useful informed as one of competitive power in global fashion industry.
Key Words
Korean image, 한국적 이미지, oriental, 동양풍, fashion design, 패션 디자인, recognition, 인식, focused interview, 심층면접, U. K. fashion specialist, 영국 패션 전문가
A Study on the Merchandise Mix Aspect in the Job of Korean Fashion Merchandisers 국내(國內) 의류업계(衣類業界) 머천다이저의 상품구성(商品構成) 업무(業務)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
원선혜 Sun Hae Won , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung
8(2) 91-101, 2004
A Study on the Merchandise Mix Aspect in the Job of Korean Fashion Merchandisers 국내(國內) 의류업계(衣類業界) 머천다이저의 상품구성(商品構成) 업무(業務)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
원선혜 Sun Hae Won , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung
This research classified fashion merchandisers into different categories depending on the type of companies they worked for and inquired into their line of work. In so doing, the authors attempted to outline the work for merchandise mix performed by each type of merchandiser and provide some raw data, which can be utilized to enhance their work efficiency. The evaluation tool used for this study was the questionnaire made on the basis of preceding studies, literature, and trade journals, which was then modified through one on one interviews with fashion merchandisers. The questionnaire contained 15 questions about merchandise mix. For data analysis, SPSS Package Program was used to conduct frequency analysis, ANOVA, and Tukey`s test. The findings are as follows 1. National brand merchandisers spent most time on merchandise planning, then department store buyers, followed by imported brand merchandisers, and lastly buying office merchandisers. 2. In merchandise planning, National brand merchandisers did more work overall compared to other merchandisers. In production planning, buying office merchandisers spent more time than any others on searching for new suppliers and decision-making. 3. Production planning took up a greater portion of their work for National brand merchandisers and buying office merchandisers compared to department store buyers and imported brand merchandisers. 4. Imported brand merchandisers spent more time on purchase planning and actual purchase compared to any others.
Key Words
Merchandiser, 머천다이저, National brand, 국내브랜드, Buying office, 바잉오피스, Imported brand, 수입브랜드, Department store, 백화점
A Study on the Japanese Street Fashion Since the 1990`s 1990년대(年代) 이후(以後) 일본(日本)의 스트리트 패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
8(2) 102-115, 2004
A Study on the Japanese Street Fashion Since the 1990`s 1990년대(年代) 이후(以後) 일본(日本)의 스트리트 패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
The purpose of this study is to analyze the various types of styles and characteristics of Japanese street fashion since the 1990`s. The primary source of data has been a collection of visual materials which include snapshots of young men and women in the Japanese street scene starting in the 1990`s. To approach the Japanese street fashion comprehensively, I have divided the background of the Japanese fashion into three parts: 1. The birth of various fashion markets like the Dankai junior generation, Hetauma generation and Shinjinrui junior generation. 2. The pursuit of fashion senses like the well-balanced sense of independence and commensalism, uncommon sense and sense of a tassel. 3. A boom in new fashion business types like SPA and select shop. After the 1990`s, the Japanese street fashion has changed through the popularity of styles which include the conservative casual style, sexy casual style, Harajuku pop style, and 3 Re(revival, remake, recycle) fashion style. The characteristics of the Japanese street fashion reflects the performance of virtual reality, the sign of style culture, and the communication of process.
Key Words
since the 1990`s, 1990년대 이후, Japan, 일본, street fashion, 스트리트 패션
A Study on the Restoration of Men`s Headgear -focusing on hats- 남자(男子) 헤드기어(headgear) 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -햇(hats)을 중심(中心)으로-
김경희 Kyung Hee Kim , 문윤경 Yun Kyeong Mun
8(2) 116-125, 2004
A Study on the Restoration of Men`s Headgear -focusing on hats- 남자(男子) 헤드기어(headgear) 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -햇(hats)을 중심(中心)으로-
김경희 Kyung Hee Kim , 문윤경 Yun Kyeong Mun
In the history of western costume, women`s hairstyle and headdress have been fluently studied but men`s headgear has not. To study and manufacture headgear designs and details, which indicate varieties in forms and ornaments, can be utilized for the fashion currently in vogue. Purpose: the purpose of the study is to investigate one of the headgear, the hat in terms of shift in design and manufacturing method, and to study through manufacturing in order to do a literature review by era and to provide information as the source in new design. Study method and scope: Like previously manufactured and presented bonnet of women`s headdress or headgear, the hat in the study was manufactured on the basis of literature review and portrait analysis. Target era is from the late 16th century to the early 17th century when the hat was used. The hat to be manufactured was selected by investigating the details such as hair style and hat features using literature. The pattern of the selected hat was analyzed, and velvet, silk, and wool were used as the materials as in the literature. Ornaments used similar things as in the photos.
Key Words
Headdress, 헤드드레스, headgear, 헤드기어, hat, 햇
A Study on the Hoop Applied on Contemporary Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 응용(應用)된 후프(Hoop)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정경희 Kyung Hee Jeong , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
8(2) 126-140, 2004
A Study on the Hoop Applied on Contemporary Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 응용(應用)된 후프(Hoop)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정경희 Kyung Hee Jeong , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this study is to examine the fashion design applying to the hoop, which have become various since 1980. To do this, this study is investigated the origin and the changes of the hoop historically, then classified its types, and finally analyze the collections from 1980 to 2003. The hoop was appeared on the late 15th century. Then in the mid 16th century, bell-shaped farthingale was prevailed, followed by drum-shaped wheel farthingale and hausse-cul in England and France. In the 17th century, slim silhouette was popular, so that the hoop declined gradually. In the 18th century, panier and panier double were introduced which is to make side-expanded skirt silhouette. In the 19th century, crinoline and bustle were created. The hoops applied to modern collections are used various materials, techniques, and forms. It is a main item of historicism which appeared in the trend of post-modernism and the phenomenon of applying underwear to an outer garment like corset. The hoop is adapted into three ways: only with the frame of hoop, wearing a skirt with some parts of the frame exposed on purpose, and wearing a skirt on the frame, thus not showing the frame. Thus, it is thought that wearing a hoop as a frame is used an element of recreation of past fashion, at the same time it was affected by historicism which is a branch of post-modernism. Applying the hoop as an outer garment may be affected by eroticism which changed underwear into an outer wear in postmodernism and deconstructivism.
Key Words
Hoop, 후프, Historicism, 역사주의, Outwearization of Underwear, 속옷의 겉옷화
Yellow Image and Application on Hair Style 헤어스타일에 있어 Yellow 이미지와 활용(活用)
송희라 Hee Ra Song
8(2) 141-153, 2004
Yellow Image and Application on Hair Style 헤어스타일에 있어 Yellow 이미지와 활용(活用)
송희라 Hee Ra Song
The various colors are used in our whole life as much as the modern society is called “the age of colors”. The colors in the hair style express the individual taste, personality and the psychological condition, and play an important role as a visual language. The western people, who has thought that the blonde hair is a symbol of beautiful woman from the ancient times, has tried to get the blonde hair continuously even though they had not the technique of hair dyeing. On the other hand, the korean people whose hair color is usually dark brown or black, enjoy a various hair color due to the development of dyeing and decoloration technique. In this study, I deal with the yellow hair style, the most prevalent color which is an important means of communication in the our times.
A Study on Fashion Design Using Masks 가면(假面)(Mask)을 활용(活用)한 의상(衣賞) 디자인 연구(硏究)
임형란 Hyung Ran Im , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
8(2) 154-167, 2004
A Study on Fashion Design Using Masks 가면(假面)(Mask)을 활용(活用)한 의상(衣賞) 디자인 연구(硏究)
임형란 Hyung Ran Im , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
The purpose of this study was to develop fashion designs using masks on the basis of plasticity of masks. This study was conducted both theoretically and empirically. In a theoretical study, mask-related research and fashion-related literature were examined. In an empirical study, masks used in collections since the 1990`s were analyzed through fashion magazines and fashion web sites. Based on such theoretical researches, masks used in modern fashion collections were divided into accessories and clothing to analyze and three fashion designs were developed on the basis of results described above. This study intended to express a romantic look with primitive mood that added formative elements of a mask to the design concept of "Romantic-Primitive". First, forms of masks were simplified and deconstructed and then some methods such as textile printing, leather handicraft, or applique were expressed.