The Research of Upper-Body Types of the Women in Their 20s in Zhejiangsheng, China 중국(中國) 절강성지역(浙江省地域) 20대(代) 여성(女性)의 상반신(上半身) 체형연구(體型硏究)
권령자 Young Ja Kwon , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
8(5) 1-19, 2004
The Research of Upper-Body Types of the Women in Their 20s in Zhejiangsheng, China 중국(中國) 절강성지역(浙江省地域) 20대(代) 여성(女性)의 상반신(上半身) 체형연구(體型硏究)
권령자 Young Ja Kwon , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
With a view to providing the basic data of clothing manufacturing for Chinese women in their 20s residing in Ningbo City, Zhejiangsheng, China, this study analyzes their upper-body types. With the subjects of 192 female adults(age 20 to 29), the following conclusions were made: 1. According to the Chinese standard classification, all body types except C were seen: A(58.33%), Y(40.63%), and B(1.04%). 2. According to the Korean standard classification, body types appeared in the order of H(68.75%), N(29.17%), and A(2.08%). 3. Rohrer index was 1.23 belonging to the ordinary somatotype. The distribution was ordinary(60.42%), slim(38.54%), and fat(1.04%). 4. The subjects were 158.62cm(height), 83.54cm(bust), 65.77cm(waist), and 87.50cm(hip). 5. No significant differences were noticed in all the items except waist breadth around age 24. 6. Compared with Korean counterparts, Chinese females were a little shorter, had bigger bust, similar waist, and smaller and flatter hips. 7. Seen in the side somatotype classification, a standard body type was revealed with 24.50° of a slightly-leaning shoulder gradient. 8. Seven factors were produced in the present analysis, and five body types in the group analysis turned out to be standard.
Key Words
upper-body types, 상반신 체형, ordinary somatotype, Rohrer지수에 의한 보통체형, standard body type, 측면형태 분류의 표준체형
A Study on Status, Purchase Factors and Satisfaction of Clothes through Internet Shopping Mall 인터넷 쇼핑몰을 통(通)한 의류제품(衣類製品)의 구매실태(購買實態), 구매요인(購買要因) 및 구매만족(購買滿足)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이연세 Yeon Sei Lee , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo , 김영란 Young Ran Kim
8(5) 20-30, 2004
A Study on Status, Purchase Factors and Satisfaction of Clothes through Internet Shopping Mall 인터넷 쇼핑몰을 통(通)한 의류제품(衣類製品)의 구매실태(購買實態), 구매요인(購買要因) 및 구매만족(購買滿足)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이연세 Yeon Sei Lee , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo , 김영란 Young Ran Kim
The subjects of the study were randomly male and female college students in Seoul. The 123 subjects had experience of purchasing clothes from Internet shopping mall. To analyze SPSS(ver 10.0) was used X2, ANOVA, Correlation analysis, Multiple regression and Cronbach a were performed for verification. For significance judgement, .05 was used, which is commonly used in social science. The result of this study were most of them purchased closes once or twice a year through Internet shopping mall. The most popular item was T-shirts or sweater and money spent per visit was less than 100,000 won. Those who have used Internet for a longer period tend to purchase more items tend to purchase more frequently. Subjective satisfaction which is a sub factor of the product purchase and product purchase times have significant correlation and total purchase amount and the sub factors of purchase satisfaction. There is significant correlation among product information provision, which is a sub factor of purchase feature and product information provision, marketability, convenience of delivery, additional features and subjective satisfaction which are sub factors of purchase satisfaction. Clothing purchase factors influencing on subjective satisfaction are product information provision and marketability and marketability is the stronger influencing feature of the two.
Key Words
Internet shopping mall, 인터넷쇼핑몰, purchase satisfaction, 구매만족, purchase factors, 구매요인
A Study on the Physical Properties of Silk Fabrics -Bending and Luster Properties- 견직물(絹織物)의 물리적(物理的) 특성(特性) 변화(變化)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -굽힘 및 광택(光澤) 특성(特性)-
박신정 Shin Jung Park , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
8(5) 31-40, 2004
A Study on the Physical Properties of Silk Fabrics -Bending and Luster Properties- 견직물(絹織物)의 물리적(物理的) 특성(特性) 변화(變化)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -굽힘 및 광택(光澤) 특성(特性)-
박신정 Shin Jung Park , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of the physical properties, bending and luster properties, which are related to the touch and appearance of silk fabrics modified by the degumming process. The silk has long been known as one of the most elegant and soft textile materials. The raw silk yarn, or cocoon bave, spun from the spinneret, is rather stiff due to the sericin covering the two fibroins together. The sericin can be removed during a degumming process. The removal of the sericin would result in remarkable change in the physical properties of the raw silk fabrics, including luster of the fabrics, which process parameters could possibly be utilized to adequately control the silk fabric properties. The KES(Kawabata Evaluation System) is a testing methodology that has been used with considerable success for predicting the hand and tailorability of apparel fabrics. This study uses one of the KES, bending tester, to measure the bending properties of the silk fabrics degummed for specified period to change the physical/mechanical properties of the fabric. The KES bending measurement revealed that the bending rigidity decreased for both the warp and weft direction of the silk fabrics with the increase of the degumming period. It has been shown in this study that the some of the hand-related physical properties, including the bending rigidity, drapability, and luster, could be modified with the change in the degumming period.
Key Words
Hand, 태, silk, 견, bending, 굽힘, Luster, 광택
A Qualitative Study on the Purchase Behavior for the Counterfeit of Fashion Luxury Brands 패션 명품(名品) 복제품(複製品)의 구매행동(購買行動)에 관(關)한 질적(질적) 연구(硏究)
김일 Il Kim
8(5) 41-59, 2004
A Qualitative Study on the Purchase Behavior for the Counterfeit of Fashion Luxury Brands 패션 명품(名品) 복제품(複製品)의 구매행동(購買行動)에 관(關)한 질적(질적) 연구(硏究)
김일 Il Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze consumers` purchase behavior for the counterfeits of fashion luxury brands. The research method of the study used a naturalistic approach. The first participant observation was carried out in the internet sites in order to collect the data on the purchase behavior for counterfeits; and the second participant observation was applied in the Dongdaemun shopping mall, Namdaemun shopping mall and Itaewon shopping mall; finally 6 informants were selected and then an interview was held with them. The results of the study are as follows; 1. The reasons for the first purchase of counterfeits are variously shown according to life stages, and the repetitive purchase behavior is influenced by the degree of satisfaction for the first purchase. The information collection for counterfeits is widely made through various media, and especially the information collection is active and positive in the case of planned purchase but it is passive and negative in the case of unplanned purchase. 2. The most important criteria in purchasing counterfeits is the degree of similarity with luxury brands and other criteria include price, design, utility etc. The majority of purchase items is not clothing but miscellaneous goods which are more similar in terms of design and quality. The purchase of counterfeits is made by impulse purchase but the purchase of luxury brands is made by planned purchase. 3. The rationalization mechanism for the purchase of counterfeits is observed in all informants, which is a sort of defence mechanism for avoiding a guilty conscience to buy illegal goods.
Key Words
Counterfeit, 복제품, purchase behavior, 구매행동, naturalistic study, 질적 연구
A Study on the Nudism Expressed in the 2000`s Fashion 2000년대(年代)패션에 나타난 누디즘 현상(現狀) 연구(硏究)
박태용 Tae Yong Park
8(5) 60-74, 2004
A Study on the Nudism Expressed in the 2000`s Fashion 2000년대(年代)패션에 나타난 누디즘 현상(現狀) 연구(硏究)
박태용 Tae Yong Park
The purposes of this study are firstly to considered nudism of the sociocultural context, secondly to consider the cultural meaning of the nudism fashion expressed in the 2000`s and thirdly to clarify formative characteristics of nudism fashion style in the 2000`s. For these purposes, documentary studies about nudism in social science and psychology were analyzed and then objective studies with fashion magazine after the 2000 and clothes released at various collections were performed for studies about nudism fashion in the 2000`s. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Nudism of the sociocultural context was divided into Naturalism, Counteracting culture, Eroticism and Narcissism. 2. Fashion, influenced by nudism, tended to express the beauty which emphasizes the functional aspects of nude and includes the decorative characters. 3. Nudism in the 2000`s fashion was summarized as Eroticism nudism fashion, Primitivism nudism fashion and Futurism nudism fashion.
A Study on Modes of Expression in Fashion Illustration -Focused on Fashion Magazine- 패션 일러스트레이션의 표현양식(表現樣式)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -패션잡지(雜誌)를 중심(中心)으로-
노윤선 Youn Sun Roh
8(5) 75-84, 2004
A Study on Modes of Expression in Fashion Illustration -Focused on Fashion Magazine- 패션 일러스트레이션의 표현양식(表現樣式)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -패션잡지(雜誌)를 중심(中心)으로-
노윤선 Youn Sun Roh
Fashion Illustration has become a key method in expressing Fashion, and is being applied in various fields of the modern world, where changes are so rapid that prescribing trends are meaningless. Fashion Illustration was stimulated through progress of wood block printing and development of printing techniques, and grew with fashion magazines. Fashion Illustration advanced along with the appearance of newspapers and magazines that were emerged due to historical demands such as development of printing techniques, spacial spread of human life, obliteration of traditional societies, diffusion of education systems, progress in postal systems, and appearance of commercial broadcast. Fashion Illustration showed growth and decline along with the influence of mass media such as magazines and photography, and the general publics demand. In this study, the author reviews Le Nouvau Mercure Galant, the magazine that first dealt with Fashion Illustrations. The author analyses the magazine in six stages of formation, growth, revolution, golden-age, decline, and reconstruction, to develope a theoretical analysis of Fashion Illustration and to give direction of use of Fashion Illustration in the future.
Key Words
Fashion Illustration, 패션 일러스트레이션, Modes of Expression, 표현양식, Fashion Magazine, 패션 잡지
Actual Wearing Conditions and Fitting Problems of Ready-to-wear Garment for Tween Generation Boys aged from 12 to 14 만(滿)12~14세(歲) 트윈 세대(世代) 남학생(男學生)의 의복(衣服) 착용실태(着用實態) 및 맞음새 연구(硏究)
김경아 Kyung A Kim
8(5) 85-99, 2004
Actual Wearing Conditions and Fitting Problems of Ready-to-wear Garment for Tween Generation Boys aged from 12 to 14 만(滿)12~14세(歲) 트윈 세대(世代) 남학생(男學生)의 의복(衣服) 착용실태(着用實態) 및 맞음새 연구(硏究)
김경아 Kyung A Kim
The purpose of the study is to survey the current state of tween generation boys` clothing-wearing, to identify problems in the current apparel sizing system, and to contribute to the improvement of the fitness of ready-made clothes. 1. According to the result of surveying the current state of clothing-wearing, boys prefer casual wear and, as they grow old, they tend to purchase clothes alone or in company with their friends. In addition, they use mainly easy casual wear or sports wear stores. They appear to be highly dissatisfied with price and size and think that the fitting of coats, pants and jackets is poor. Moreover, they complain about sizes such as waist circumference, pants length and upper-arm circumference. 2. According to the result of comparing apparel sizing system with body measurements, the waist circumference and hip circumference of young casual wear are fit to the large size of body at the age of 12 and the over-average size of body at the age of 13 and 14, but its bust circumference is fit only to the extra-large size of body at the age of 13 and 14. Such results come from differences in body shape between adults and adolescents. Although adolescents` body size has been enlarged, their body line is still immature and, accordingly, their drop-value is smaller than that of adults, which appears to cause adolescents to be highly dissatisfied with fitting.
A Basic Study for the Development of Educational Dress Forms for Male Adults -Survey of Male Dress Forms for Men`s Apparel Company and the Education for Men`s Wear in Fashion Dept. of University- 교육용(敎育用) 성인(成人) 남성(男性)의 Dress Form 개발(開發)을 위한 기초연구(基礎硏究) -남성복업체(男性服業體)의 Dress Form 사용현황(使用現況) 및 남성복(男性服) 교육실태(敎育實態) 분석(分析)을 통(通)해-
유현 Hyun Yoo , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
8(5) 100-114, 2004
A Basic Study for the Development of Educational Dress Forms for Male Adults -Survey of Male Dress Forms for Men`s Apparel Company and the Education for Men`s Wear in Fashion Dept. of University- 교육용(敎育用) 성인(成人) 남성(男性)의 Dress Form 개발(開發)을 위한 기초연구(基礎硏究) -남성복업체(男性服業體)의 Dress Form 사용현황(使用現況) 및 남성복(男性服) 교육실태(敎育實態) 분석(分析)을 통(通)해-
유현 Hyun Yoo , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
This is a basic study for developing educational dress forms of male adults` pattern making. While examining the reality of each university`s men`s wear education and the production of male dress forms, this paper found the following findings: 1. Survey of Dress Forms Used by Men`s Apparel Companies The men`s apparel companies had dissatisfaction with domestic dress forms but satisfaction with foreign-made ones. In general, among the unsatisfied items were wide discrepancy in male Korean body sizes, unfitting domestic somatotypes, lacking dress forms for those in the 20s, and no diverse forms per body type. To be specific, unsuitable hip and shoulder parts as well as weak fixing parts were pointed out. Every apparel companies found it necessary to develop male dress forms based on Korean male adults. When they are developed for sale, they will be highly utilized in the order of fitting, pattern making, male design research, and somatotype research. 2. Survey of Education for Men`s Wear in Fashion Dept. of University 61.54% of the investigated universities had some teaching as far as men`s wear were concerned. Application areas of male dress forms were such as pattern making (53.85%), fitting (41.38%), and design research (5.77%). As to the degrees of utilization, 73.08% predicted them high.
Compressional Properties of PTT BCF and Nylon BCF Carpets PTT BCF카펫과 나일론 BCF카펫의 압축특성(壓縮特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
윤명희 Myung Hui Yun , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
8(5) 115-124, 2004
Compressional Properties of PTT BCF and Nylon BCF Carpets PTT BCF카펫과 나일론 BCF카펫의 압축특성(壓縮特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
윤명희 Myung Hui Yun , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
PTT(polytrimethylene terephthalate) is a thermoplastic that can be melt-spun into fibers and has extensive applications in carpets, textiles and apparel, engineering thermoplastics, nonwovens, and films or sheets. This polymer combines the good properties of nylon and polyester. Compared with other synthetic fibers such as nylon and acrylic, the PTT fibers feel softer, dye easier with vibrant colors, stretch and recover better. Moreover, the PTT fibers for carpets resist most stainings, clean better, and dry faster. The PTT was first patented in 1941, but it was not until the 1990`s, when Shell Chemicals developed the practical method of producing PDO, the raw material for PTT. Many studies have been done including the retention of carpet texture using an image analysis technique, or compressional resilience of the carpet for long term use. In this study, PTT and nylon BCF carpets were compared in terms of the compressional properties including the resilience, using one of the KES system for repetitive measurements. The compression resilience(RC) values of the PTT BCF carpets far exceed those of nylon 6 BCF carpets. The RC values of the PTT BCF carpet(cut) specimens are 42~45% for 5 successive compression deformations, while those of the nylon BCF carpet specimens(cut) are 26~28%. There is also a similar trend in the RC values for the other type of carpet which is the loop type. This resilience is one of the important factors of carpet usage evaluation.
Key Words
BCF, 비시에프, Carpet, 카펫, Nylon, 나일론, PTT, 피티티
A Study on Hair Coloring Useing Natural Vegetable Dye 식물성(植物性) 천연(天然) 염료(染料)를 이용한 모발(毛髮) 염색(染色)에 관한(寬限) 연구(硏究)
이은우 Eun Woo Lee , 송희라 Hee Ra Song
8(5) 125-135, 2004
A Study on Hair Coloring Useing Natural Vegetable Dye 식물성(植物性) 천연(天然) 염료(染料)를 이용한 모발(毛髮) 염색(染色)에 관한(寬限) 연구(硏究)
이은우 Eun Woo Lee , 송희라 Hee Ra Song
Hair coloring before the 1980s was mostly to hide white hair by dying in black. With the introduction of color TV, however, the size of the coloring market has been expanding. Nowadays, artificial synthetic dyes are widely used, which, though advantageous in many points, have problems such as harmful effects on the human body, carcinogenesis, environmental contamination and damage on hair. On the contrary, natural vegetables obtained from Curcuma Longa L ., A. catechu, polygonum indigo, henna, etc. are little harmful to hair or the skin of the head and cause few environmental problems. In addition, as they are natural materials collected from nature, they are considered positively by consumers. Thus the present study started from the necessity of research on the convenient use of environment? friendly and side-effect-free natural dyes, coloring technology for reproducing original color, the improvement of adhesion rate, etc. From the present research were obtained yellow color from Curcuma Longa L ., brown from A. catechu, blue from polygonum indigo and orange from henna. It is expected that, based on materials from previous researches, there may be more researches on the use of natural dyes as hair colors.
Internet Addictive Levels and Addictive Buying Behavior -Focusing on Fashion Products- 인터넷 중독정도(中毒定度)에 따른 중독구매행동(中毒購買行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -패션제품(製品)을 중심(中心)으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
8(5) 136-143, 2004
Internet Addictive Levels and Addictive Buying Behavior -Focusing on Fashion Products- 인터넷 중독정도(中毒定度)에 따른 중독구매행동(中毒購買行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -패션제품(製品)을 중심(中心)으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study were to examine 1) the relationship between internet addictive and addictive buying behavior, and 2) addictive purchasing behavior according to internet addictive levels. 220 female college students, who had purchased fashion products through internet were surveyed for this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, X2-test, ANOVA, Duncan test, and multiple regression were used. As the results, generally Internet addictive tendency was correlated to compulsive buying, shopping addictive, credit card addictive, self-esteem, and internet flow. Also, there were significantly differences in internet addictive levels with addictive buying behavior. That is, heavy internet addictive group had more shopping addictive, compulsive addictive, and internet flow than middle internet addictive group and light internet addictive group. Also, results revealed that compulsive buying, shopping addictive buying, internet flow and self-esteem accounted for 27.3% of the explained variance in internet addictive tendency. Based on these results, fashion marketing strategies would be suggested.
Key Words
internet addictive, 인터넷 중독, addictive buying, 중독구매, shopping addictive, 쇼핑중독증, credit card addictive, 신용카드 중독
The Analysis of Body-Image on the On-Line Game Lineage 2 Character Fashion 온라인 게임 리니지 2 캐릭터 패션에 나타난 바디 이미지 분석(分析)
진경옥 Kyung Ok Jin , 서정립 Jung Lip Seo
8(5) 144-154, 2004
The Analysis of Body-Image on the On-Line Game Lineage 2 Character Fashion 온라인 게임 리니지 2 캐릭터 패션에 나타난 바디 이미지 분석(分析)
진경옥 Kyung Ok Jin , 서정립 Jung Lip Seo
The purpose of this study is to consider the characteristics of character`s body-image throughout the on-line games and with this study we researched the symbolic meaning reflected by the character`s body-images throughout the fashion. The characteristics of the body-images presented in modern fashion is expressed in 4 features on Lineage II game. First, it adopts the ways in which modern fashion expresses the erotic image and represents various sexual stimulation, which can not be represented in the real world, in cyberspace. Second, it expresses the beauty and taste in sensitivity by exchanging the items, which are the features of body-image, each other as the neutral body-image and pursuits for the double side feature between males and females by dismantling the point of view to sex. Third, it shows the new value system different from the existing one by using extraordinary items and materials that you`ve never seen in real fashion as the abnormal body-image expressed in informal and inaccurate principal of deformation. Fourth, it show the body with the items which induces more interest and curiosity than the real world do as the humorous body-image accompanying with childish amusement and pleasure.