A Study on the Practice of Social Marketing in Domestic Fashion Business 국내(國內) 패션기업(企業)의 사회지향적(社會指向的) 마케팅 실천(實踐)에 관한 연구(硏究)
권미정 Mi Jeong Kwon , 이계숙 Gye Suk Lee , 박숙현 Sook Hyun Park
9(2) 1-19, 2005
A Study on the Practice of Social Marketing in Domestic Fashion Business 국내(國內) 패션기업(企業)의 사회지향적(社會指向的) 마케팅 실천(實踐)에 관한 연구(硏究)
권미정 Mi Jeong Kwon , 이계숙 Gye Suk Lee , 박숙현 Sook Hyun Park
The purpose of this study is to investigate the practice of social marketing of fashion business in Korea. A questionnaire was designed by the researcher and consisted of items of 30 items of social marketing practice in fashion business, Responsers are administrators and merchandisers who work in fashion business. Data were analyged using SPSS by frequency, mean, standard deviation, x2-test, ANOVA and Duncan`s multiple range test. The results of this study were as follows : 1. In decision-making method of social marketing, degrees of practice were shown comparatively high. And, three practice factors (consumerism, humanism, and environmentalism) showed indifference in six business characteristics (store type, staff number, annual budget, annual education method, education frequency, and the location). 2. In feedforward method of social marketing, degrees of practice were shown comparatively high. And, two practice factors (business strategy, and product strategy) showed indifference in seven business characteristics (date of establishment, store type, staff number, annual budget, education method, annual education frequency, and the location). 3. In administrative method of social marketing, degrees of practice were shown comparatively high. And, four practice factors (product development, price decision, distribution management, and advertisement and promotion) showed indifference in eight business characteristics (date of establishment, store type, staff number, annual budget, education method, annual education frequency, the location, and distribution structure). 4. In total system method of social marketing, degrees of practice were shown comparatively high. And, two practice factors (marketing planning, and self-audits system) showed indifference in six business characteristics (business size, store type, annual budget, education method, annual education frequency, and distribution structure). The present findings provide that social marketing of fashion business in korea has been practiced comparatively high.
Key Words
social marketing, 사회지향적 마케팅, decision-making method, 의사결정방식, feedforward method, 피드포워드방식, administrative method, 관리적방식, total system method, 전사적방식
The Study about personal Color System with Hair color and Make-up -Centering around the Autumn type- 개인(個人) 색채(色彩) 진단(診斷)에 따른 모발(毛髮)과 메이크업 색상(色相)의 변화(變化) -가을 타입의 모델을 중심(中心)으로-
나해윤 Hee Yun Na , 조고미 Koh Mi Cho , 이수희 Su Hee Lee
9(2) 20-27, 2005
The Study about personal Color System with Hair color and Make-up -Centering around the Autumn type- 개인(個人) 색채(色彩) 진단(診斷)에 따른 모발(毛髮)과 메이크업 색상(色相)의 변화(變化) -가을 타입의 모델을 중심(中心)으로-
나해윤 Hee Yun Na , 조고미 Koh Mi Cho , 이수희 Su Hee Lee
To find suitable color for an individual is very important in personal image-making. In recent years, the importance and role of personal image is also more emphasized. This study deals with the necessity of personal color system and the proposal of color which looks nice on a person as a result of personal color system. It also includes the method of making personal image by balancing between and using both favorite color and unfavorite color. Besides, I study how does the color image affect the personal appearance image in this paper. From clinical experiments. I concluded as follow. First, Each person has his suitable color. When the color is used. The color, pimples, flows and so on are covered and defects of his face are made up for. Second, By changing the factors of his own original color-group and decision factors - color of skin, hair, eye, etc -, I can change personal color-group. Third, The image of color affects the personal appearance image, when it used in make-up and hair-color. Considering above results, If one uses one`s suitable color, one will complement defects of one`s face and improve merits one`s. Besides, One will be more confident and active by using one`s suitable color.
Key Words
Personal Color System, 개인색채진단, Skin color, 피부색, Hair color, 모발색, Eye color, 눈동자색, Color Image maikin, 컬러 이미지 메이킹
The Optical Illusion Effect of Line Applied to Eyebrow Make-up 눈썹 메이크업 표현(表現)에 응용(應用)되는 선(線)의 착시(錯視) 효과(效果)
하선옥 Sun Ok Ha , 조고미 Koh Mi Cho , 김춘심 Chun Sim Kim
9(2) 28-39, 2005
The Optical Illusion Effect of Line Applied to Eyebrow Make-up 눈썹 메이크업 표현(表現)에 응용(應用)되는 선(線)의 착시(錯視) 효과(效果)
하선옥 Sun Ok Ha , 조고미 Koh Mi Cho , 김춘심 Chun Sim Kim
This chapter presents how ``optical illusion`` works in applying makeup and how to differentiate the direction, location and shape of eyebrow lines in the aspect of physiognomy. For this study, employed were five types of face shape produced by Photoshop program - round, square, long, inverted triangle. and diamond. The best-matched facial shape was examined through a questionnaire research after applying the optical illusion of eyebrow lines to the five types of face shape. The results were revealed to be identical to ones presented in make-up teaching materials. In conclusion, it was found that well-matched shape and size of eyebrow could make some changes in the facial impression, changing the face shape into oval shape. The facial line can be modified and supplemented by reshaping such facial parts as the eyebrow, producing well-balanced facial shape. Consequently, make-up was proved to be one of the methods which can be used to create social and psychological effect which can make a favorable facial impression and individuality, natural impression and image making depending on different purposes, taking advantage of optical illusion effect.
Key Words
Eyebrow make-up, 눈썹 메이크업, optical illusion, 착시, face types, 얼굴 유형
A Study on The Basic Skin Makeup Products Consuming Patterns of Female College Students Lived in Metropolitan Area of Seoul 수도권(首都圈) 여대생(女大生)의 기초(期初) 피부(皮膚) 색조(色調) 화장품(化粧品) 사용(使用) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 이귀영 Kwuy Young Lee
9(2) 40-56, 2005
A Study on The Basic Skin Makeup Products Consuming Patterns of Female College Students Lived in Metropolitan Area of Seoul 수도권(首都圈) 여대생(女大生)의 기초(期初) 피부(皮膚) 색조(色調) 화장품(化粧品) 사용(使用) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 이귀영 Kwuy Young Lee
The purpose of this research is to analyze the patterns on consuming basic skin makeup products of female college students, and to provide basic information to understand the patterns of ordinary consumers. The survey was included 283 female students from 5 colleges located in metropolitan area of Seoul. The survey data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Duncan test, T-test, chi-square-test methods. The results are as follows : 1. 60% of the college students of metropolitan area are doing basic skin makeup for aesthetic reasons in most cases, eye makeup is regarded the most important part, so 92% students have experienced to buy imported cosmetic products because of it`s better absorption to skin. 2. Significant correlations were found between the skin types and dissatisfaction about foundation after using. 3. According to demographic variables, significant correlations were found between grade and makeup extent, grade and the reasons why they use imported products. 4. According to demographic variables, significant correlations were found between grade and foundation types used, monthly average living expense and purchasing channels, grade and purchasing channels, price level of the currently using face powder and monthly average living expense, monthly average spending for cosmetic products and level of wealth, price level of the currently using foundation and monthly average living expense. 5. According to demographic variables, significant differences were found in monthly average living expense, monthly average spending for cosmetic product, mother`s job, grade.
Key Words
The basic skin makeup products consuming patterns, 기초 피부 색조 화장품 사용 실태, female college students Lived in metropolitan area of Seoul, 수도권 여대생
Effect of Chitosan Treatment Methods on the Dyeing of Cotton, Nylon, and PET using Cochineal (1) -Color and Air-permeability Characteristics- 코치닐 염색(染色)에서 키토산처리(處理) 방법(方法)의 변화(變化)가 면(綿), 나일론, PET의 염색(染色)에 미치는 영향(影響) (1) -색상(色相)과 공기투과도(空氣透過度) 특성(特性)에 관(關)하여-
이동민 Dong Min Lee , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
9(2) 57-70, 2005
Effect of Chitosan Treatment Methods on the Dyeing of Cotton, Nylon, and PET using Cochineal (1) -Color and Air-permeability Characteristics- 코치닐 염색(染色)에서 키토산처리(處理) 방법(方法)의 변화(變化)가 면(綿), 나일론, PET의 염색(染色)에 미치는 영향(影響) (1) -색상(色相)과 공기투과도(空氣透過度) 특성(特性)에 관(關)하여-
이동민 Dong Min Lee , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Chitosan pre-treatment of the fabrics prior to the dyeing processes has been reported to increase the uptake of natural dyestuffs. In this study, cotton, nylon, and PET fabric specimens were pre-treated with chitosan prior to the dyeing (Method 1), or the state of chitosan acid salt formation, coated on the yarn surface, was destroyed prior to the dyeing process by alkaline neutralization process (Method 2). In case of the acid salt formed cotton (Method 1), treated fabrics showed more yellowish color component of cochineal, while alkali-treated (Method 2) cotton showed more uptake of bluish color of cochineal.
Effect of Chitosan Treatment Methods on the Dyeing of Cotton, Nylon, and PET using Cochineal (2) -Focusing on Color Change by Laundering, Washfastness and Abrasion Fastness- 코치닐 염색(染色)에서 키토산처리(處理) 방법(方法)의 변화(變化)가 면(綿), 나일론, PET의 염색(染色)에 미치는 영향(影響) (2) -세탁(洗濯)에 의한 색상변화(色相變化), 세탁견뢰도(洗濯堅牢度)와 마찰견뢰도(摩擦堅牢度) 특성(特性)에 관(關)하여-
이동민 Dong Min Lee , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
9(2) 71-83, 2005
Effect of Chitosan Treatment Methods on the Dyeing of Cotton, Nylon, and PET using Cochineal (2) -Focusing on Color Change by Laundering, Washfastness and Abrasion Fastness- 코치닐 염색(染色)에서 키토산처리(處理) 방법(方法)의 변화(變化)가 면(綿), 나일론, PET의 염색(染色)에 미치는 영향(影響) (2) -세탁(洗濯)에 의한 색상변화(色相變化), 세탁견뢰도(洗濯堅牢度)와 마찰견뢰도(摩擦堅牢度) 특성(特性)에 관(關)하여-
이동민 Dong Min Lee , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
In this study, we reviewed the color changes accompanying the laundering, wash fastness, and abrasion fastness of chitosan-treated cochineal-dyed fabrics. The treatment methods were classified into two based on the chitosan treatment: (Method 1): fabric specimens were pre-treated with chitosan prior to the dyeing procedure in salt form. (Method 2): the state of chitosan acid salt formation, coated on the yarn surface, was destroyed and neutralized prior to the dyeing process. The changes in the chitosan treatment methods bear more important meaning in view of the durability. In Method 1, it is highly likely for the chitosan to be detached from the surface by water during laundering since the chitosan is coated as acid salt state. In Method 2, the resistance of the chitosan to water was supposed to revive since the chitosan would return to its original state. Differences in the resistance of the chitosan treatment, however, according to the Method 1 and Method 2, fell short of our expectations. In Method 2, the wash fastness did not improve as we expected since the bond between the fibers comprising fabric specimens and the chitosan is not high even if the chitosan itself has high resistance to water.
A Study on the Fashion Value of Generation Y Y세대(世代) 미국(美國) 청소년(靑少年)의 패션 가치관(價値觀) 연구(硏究)
서유리 Yoo Lee Seo , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
9(2) 84-99, 2005
A Study on the Fashion Value of Generation Y Y세대(世代) 미국(美國) 청소년(靑少年)의 패션 가치관(價値觀) 연구(硏究)
서유리 Yoo Lee Seo , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This is a study about the fashion value of generation y, those who were junior and high school students between 1990 and 2004 in the U. S. This study was mainly based on the street culture and fashion of American teenagers the author observed in New York from 1997 to 2004, and referred to articles carried by major American journals, the result of Census 2000, statistical data reported by well-credited American research institutions. To overview the values generation y applies to their fashion, this study picked 8 principal values generation y pursues in their fashion and put them in four sets of contrasting pairs, as in conformity vs. Individuality, authenticity vs. trendiness, comfort vs. sexuality, rebelliousness vs. conservativeness. The results are as follow. First, when it comes to fashion, generation y desires to be noticed by others, but is afraid of being too different from their peers. Second, generation y stresses authenticity in their fashion. But, they are very much interested in mass fashion trend as well, and the pursuit of authenticity itself can be just a trend. Third, generation y wants their fashion to be "not only sexy and feminine, but also sporty and athletic" all at the same time. Forth, generation y uses fashion to visualize their rebelliousness. But their rebellious spirit is diluting amid the rise of neo-conservatism. As a conclusion, generation y`s fashion has changed the way that compromises contrasting values, and in the process, were created unique new styles.
Key Words
Generation y, Y세대, fashion value, 패션 가치관, conformity, 동조성, individuality, 개별성, neo-conservatism, 신보수주의
Analysis of Korean First Ladies` Hair Style 대한민국(大韓民國) 대통령(大統領) 령부인(領夫人)의 헤어스타일 분석(分析)
이수희 Su Hee Lee , 조진아 Jin A Cho , 나해윤 Hae Yun Na
9(2) 100-112, 2005
Analysis of Korean First Ladies` Hair Style 대한민국(大韓民國) 대통령(大統領) 령부인(領夫人)의 헤어스타일 분석(分析)
이수희 Su Hee Lee , 조진아 Jin A Cho , 나해윤 Hae Yun Na
Although Korean first ladies are not very big in changes in their hair style, American first ladies have greatly influenced clothing as well as hair style, exercising their influence over the apparel industry and fashion. Historically, American first ladies` fashion tastes have been on the center of attention and taken the lead in fashion. Although Korea first ladies` hair style are not very new or sensible enough to lead the fashion among the public, they have a sense of fashion and some influence on women of the upper classes. Beauty artists creating first lady hair style are representative of the times and have great value to the research. However, this study will not concentrate on their research. This study will analyze Korea first ladies` hair style, examine hair design and hair technique in fashion in those days. This study intends to provide important materials for Korean beauty history that has not been established by systematically arranging fashion style in the times analyzed through first ladies` hair style. Also, this study aims at researching in the aspect of beauty aesthetic concept through analyzing Korea first ladies` hair style.
Key Words
Korean first Lady, 대한민국 대통령 영부인, hair style, 헤어 스타일
Frontal Body Shapes of Males in Their 20s for the Development of Educational Dress Forms (Part 1) 교육용(敎育用) 인대(dress form)개발(開發)을 위한 20대(代) 남성(男性)의 정면체형(正面體型)연구(硏究) (제(第)1보(報))
유현 Hyun Yoo , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
9(2) 113-130, 2005
Frontal Body Shapes of Males in Their 20s for the Development of Educational Dress Forms (Part 1) 교육용(敎育用) 인대(dress form)개발(開發)을 위한 20대(代) 남성(男性)의 정면체형(正面體型)연구(硏究) (제(第)1보(報))
유현 Hyun Yoo , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
With a View to developing male dress forms for educational purposes, human body measurement was made for male adults in their twenties residing in Busan, Korea. Based on the results, the following conclusion was obtained: 1. Comparison of the measurement in Busan and the data of the 5th Korean physical dimensions(Size Korea) In the comparison of the Busan male adults in their 20s with national physical dimensions(Size Korea) by way of the Mollison relational deviation line, all the 28 items revealed differences less than 0.7. As the Busan sample reflects the body type of the average Korean men in their 20s, Busan`s measurement results can be safely used as the data for dress form development. 2. Results of front body type classification According to the factor analysis, seven factors of the front body type were produced to explain 77.25%. The factors were shoulder angles, waist height, hip shapes, chest shapes, proportion of body(chest, waist, hip)width to shoulder width and so on. Cluster analysis brought about three somatotype groups. First, the body type with the least differences in hip-waist width, shoulder-waist width, and hip angles (24,23% in appearance) was named Type H. Second, the body type with the most chest-waist width and hip angles (38.66% in appearance) was called Type Semi X Third, the body type with the greatest shoulder-chest width, shoulder-hip width, and shoulder angles (37.11% in appearance) was termed Type Y.
Key Words
Educational Male Dress Forms, 교육용 인대, Frontal Body Shapes, 정면체형, 5th Korean physical dimensions, 제5차 한국인 인체치수조사, Mollison Relational Deviation Line, 모리슨 관계편차절선
An Examination on Fashion Jewelry Brand Industry`s Situation and Its Implications 패션 주얼리 브랜드산업(産業)의 현황(現況)과 시사점(時事點)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
9(2) 131-142, 2005
An Examination on Fashion Jewelry Brand Industry`s Situation and Its Implications 패션 주얼리 브랜드산업(産業)의 현황(現況)과 시사점(時事點)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine situations of fashion jewelry brand industry and to find out the problems in Korean jewelry market. Based on literature review, this paper tried to define jewelry first, and to investigate recent the recent situations or status of fashion jewelry markets. The fashion jewelry brand markets were able to be classified into 2 categories such as off-line retailing and on-line retailing including internet shopping and home shopping. As the result, the most problem was the definition of the fashion jewelry. Also our fashion jewelry markets had some serious problems such as complex distribution structure or lack of technical experts. Based on these results, fashion jewelry marketing strategies would be suggested.
Key Words
Fashion jewelry, 패션 주얼리, jewelry market, 주얼리 마켓, 주얼리 현황, jewelry situations, jewelry brand, 주얼리 브랜드
A Study on the Variation of Collar Edge and Height according to the Angles of Collar Roll Line -Based on the Open Collar- 칼라 꺾임선(線) 눕힘각도(角度) 변화(變化)에 따른 외곽치수(外廓値數) 및 스탠드량 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -오픈 칼라를 중심(中心)으로-
임자영 Ja Young Lim
9(2) 143-159, 2005
A Study on the Variation of Collar Edge and Height according to the Angles of Collar Roll Line -Based on the Open Collar- 칼라 꺾임선(線) 눕힘각도(角度) 변화(變化)에 따른 외곽치수(外廓値數) 및 스탠드량 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -오픈 칼라를 중심(中心)으로-
임자영 Ja Young Lim
This study was done to provide basic data for clothing design and thus to contribute to the academic development of the clothing and textile area and collar roll line lay down angle variation of collar width on the open collar. The study was composed as follows: 1. The variation of collar outer wall size increase collar roll line lay down angle size the more increase. 2. The outer wall and stand height size increase aware of variation collar width of the more increase. It is desirable that this study will be of help to enchancement of life style in garments and promotion of garments industury by developing the archetype basic collar pattern suitable to Korean women`s garments.
Key Words
Roll Line, 꺾임선, Stand Height, 세움분, Collar Width, 칼라폭, Lay Down Angle, 눕힘각도
Implementation of Web-based Street Fashion Design Analysis System 웹 기반(基盤)(Web-based) 스트리트 패션 디자인 분석(分析) 시스템 설계(設計) 및 구현(具顯)
박희창 Hee Chang Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
9(2) 160-173, 2005
Implementation of Web-based Street Fashion Design Analysis System 웹 기반(基盤)(Web-based) 스트리트 패션 디자인 분석(分析) 시스템 설계(設計) 및 구현(具顯)
박희창 Hee Chang Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
Fashion is hard to expect owing to the rapid change in accordance with consumer taste and environment, and has a tendency toward variety and individuality. Especially street fashion of 21st century is not being regarded as one of the subcultures but is playing an important role as a fountainhead of fashion trend. Therefore, Searching and analyzing street fashions helps us to understand the popular fashions of the next season and also it is important in understanding the consumer fashion sense and commercial area. So, we need to understand fashion styles quantitatively and qualitatively by providing visual data and dividing images. The purpose of this study is to design for street fashion on design analysis using web which can update quantitative and qualitative data, through the on site investigation of street fashion, and put the information onto a database.
Key Words
Street fashion, 스트리트 패션, design analysis, 디자인 분석, data base, 데이터 베이스, web-based fashion design analysis system, 웹기반 패션디자인 분석시스템