Congruence Between Brand Image and Advertisement Model on Fashion Advertisement Effect 브랜드 이미지와 광고(廣告) 모델 이미지의 일치성(一致性)이 패션 광고효과(廣告效果)에 미치는 영향(影響)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
9(4) 161-169, 2005
Congruence Between Brand Image and Advertisement Model on Fashion Advertisement Effect 브랜드 이미지와 광고(廣告) 모델 이미지의 일치성(一致性)이 패션 광고효과(廣告效果)에 미치는 영향(影響)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine effectiveness of congruence between brand image and advertisement model on fashion advertisement effect. 206 female college students were surveyed for this study. For this study, three hypothesis were set up as follows: First, if fashion brand image and advertisement model image are in congruence, consumers` product preference would be higher, compared to in disharmony. Second, if fashion brand image and advertisement model image are in congruence, consumers` advertisement attitudes would be higher, compared to in disharmony. Third, if fashion brand image and advertisement model image are in congruence, consumers` purchasing intention would be higher, compared to in disharmony. As the results, three all hypothesis were accepted. Based on these results, fashion marketing strategies regarding advertisement would be suggested.
Key Words
Brand image, 브랜드 이미지, advertisement model image, 광고 모델 이미지, advertisement effect, 광고효과, product preference, 제품 선호도
Appearance Characteristics of a Velvet Fabric and 3-Dimensional Modeling of Pile Fibers 벨벳직물(織物)의 외관특성(外觀特性)과 파일섬유(纖維)의 삼차원적(三次元的) 모델링
김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 이정민 Jung Min Lee
9(4) 170-177, 2005
Appearance Characteristics of a Velvet Fabric and 3-Dimensional Modeling of Pile Fibers 벨벳직물(織物)의 외관특성(外觀特性)과 파일섬유(纖維)의 삼차원적(三次元的) 모델링
김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 이정민 Jung Min Lee
Velvet fabric has soft touch, subtle luster, and good draping property. Three-dimensional simulated models of cylindrical monofilaments constituting the velvet fabric were prepared. Image analysis techniques were used to measure the reflected light from the surface of velvet fabrics and the simulated images of the pile fibers. As the angle of incidence increased, the reflectance from the velvet surface became lower. Most of the reflection came from the tips of the cut piles. Crushed velvet type also was modeled using slant cylinder models on top of a base plate.
Key Words
Velvet, 벨벳, Pile, 파일, Ray Tracing, 광선추적, Image Analysis, 화상분석
Avatar Application for Fashion Cyber Education -Focused on Optical Illusion of Design Elements according to Body Shapes- 패션 사이버 교육(敎育)을 위한 아바타 제작(製作) 및 활용(活用) -체형(體型)에 따른 디자인요소(要素)의 착시효과(錯視效果)를 중심(中心)으로-
임현정 Hyun Jung Lim , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
9(4) 1-15, 2005
Avatar Application for Fashion Cyber Education -Focused on Optical Illusion of Design Elements according to Body Shapes- 패션 사이버 교육(敎育)을 위한 아바타 제작(製作) 및 활용(活用) -체형(體型)에 따른 디자인요소(要素)의 착시효과(錯視效果)를 중심(中心)으로-
임현정 Hyun Jung Lim , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
Interesting education which utilizes cyber visual and audio multimedia effects, we regard it as a very effective education but those programs are not prepared yet. So, the purpose of this research is to provide a new direction for cyber fashion education with the use of avatars as the multimedia factor to increase student`s interest and understanding. First, we investigated the present situation of fashion cyber education and the present avatar usage situation online, and also we searched literature and the internet to investigate the general theory of design. Second, we used Adobe photoshop 7.0 to make avatars, then, we used Macromedia Flash MX to design the avatar on our web site, and to make it look more realistic. According to the research results, cyber fashion education is usually used as marketing in certain areas, and for middle school, and high school students it is mainly used as text and lecture videos. When searching for fashion sites that use avatars, we found that most fashion shopping malls use them. Because avatars can give visual effects and also increase interest and fun, they can increase concentration and understanding and can be effective in fashion cyber education.
Key Words
Avatar, 아바타, Fashion Cyber Education, 패션 사이버 교육, Visual Effects, 시각적 효과
A study of the visual image by variations in the Location of the waistline and width of the belt of the basic skirt 베이직 스커트의 허리선 위치(位置)와 벨트 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 이미지
이정순 Jung Soon Lee , 한경희 Gyong Hee Han
9(4) 16-29, 2005
A study of the visual image by variations in the Location of the waistline and width of the belt of the basic skirt 베이직 스커트의 허리선 위치(位置)와 벨트 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 이미지
이정순 Jung Soon Lee , 한경희 Gyong Hee Han
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the differences of visual image by variations in the location of the waistline and width of the belt of the basic skirt. The stimuli are 21 samples: 7 variations of the location of the waistline and 3 variations of the width of the belt. The data has been obtained from 43 fashion design majors. The data has analyzed by frequency, factor analysis, anova, scheffe`s test and the MCA method. The results of this study are as follows. The visual image by variations of the location of the waistline and width of the belt is composed of 3 factors: attention, function, attraction. The visual image by variations of the width of the belt has partial significant differences. The visual image by variations in the location of the waistline has significant differences in all factors. Function shows the interaction between the location of the waistline and width of the belt. However, attention and attraction don`t show the interaction between the location of the waistline and width of the belt ; the location of the waistline tends to be the main effect.
Key Words
Attention, 현시성, function, 기능성, attraction, 매력성
A study on the Ladylike Style of Grace Kelly 그레이스 켈리(Grace Kelly)의 레이디라이크 스타일
정소영 So Young Chung , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
9(4) 30-43, 2005
A study on the Ladylike Style of Grace Kelly 그레이스 켈리(Grace Kelly)의 레이디라이크 스타일
정소영 So Young Chung , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this study is to examine the ladylike style of Grace Kelly focusing on her costume design of 1950s movie and star image, and to understand how she became a fashion icon today. Her city elegant look was usually composed of A line or H line suits and dresses, pearl jewelry, gloves, handbags and her classic ladylike attitude. Kelly`s luxury casual look epitomized a relaxed elegance based on the American sporting image including the Hermes "Kelly" bag. Her sexual elegant look showed the combination of freshness, ladylike virtue and underlying sex appeal. Her self-confident, ladylike style appeals to modern fashionable women who likes to be elegant but also sexy.
Key Words
Grace Kelly, 그레이스 켈리, Ladylike, 품위있는, city elegance, 도회적 우아함, sexual elegance, 성적매력을 감춘 우아함, Luxury casual, 상류층 감각의 캐주얼
An Empirical Study on SCM (Supply Chain Management) of Textile Apparel Firms 섬유(纖維), 의류업체(衣類業體)의 SCM(Supply Chain Management)에 관한 실태연구(實態硏究)
신상무 Sang Moo Shin
9(4) 44-58, 2005
An Empirical Study on SCM (Supply Chain Management) of Textile Apparel Firms 섬유(纖維), 의류업체(衣類業體)의 SCM(Supply Chain Management)에 관한 실태연구(實態硏究)
신상무 Sang Moo Shin
In a global market environment with information technology, the textile and apparel industry tries to survive by having competitive power embedded in Supply Chain Management to improve the interrelation among different stages of industries such as fiber, textile, apparel manufacturing, and retailing. The purpose of this empirical study was to investigate performance on Supply Chain Management of textile firms such as 4 textile export firms and 10 collaborate firms which were adopted SCM system. For research methodology, we developed questionnaires based upon interview and literature review. The results of this study were as follows: There were neutral responses or somewhat dissatisfactions on SCM application from CEOs, CMOs, site workers, and collaborators, but over half of respondents indicated 21-40% improvement of affairs. Standard documents and information sharing of SCM system were salient effects. SCM system with standard documents improved receipts/payments and inventory management most.
A Study on the hair fashion feeling -Objecting to capital area university women students- 헤어 패션 감각(感覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -수도권(首都圈) 대학(大學) 여학생(女學生)을 대상(對象)으로-
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
9(4) 59-78, 2005
A Study on the hair fashion feeling -Objecting to capital area university women students- 헤어 패션 감각(感覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -수도권(首都圈) 대학(大學) 여학생(女學生)을 대상(對象)으로-
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This study aims to know the deferences of hair fashion feeling group in accordance with hair styling activities, general characteristics, life styles objecting to capital area university women students and aid to hair fashion design. So the results are as belows. 1. Frequency Analysis of Categories A. Hair fashion feeling - Natural, sexy, romantic pretty, sophisticate, ethnic are 90% in total hair fashion feeling variables in sequence of frequency, so it can be said these are in vogue. B. Hair styling activities - The objections visit the hair salon once 1-2months, spend about 42,000 won a month, perform cut & wave perm to sentimental reasens & hair style changes, determine the hair style well coordinated in her image and managed easily. In her home, they manage her hair style 12 minutes a day, spend 17,000 won to buy hair aids, do hair blow dry or pin or pony tail mainly in the morning, scarcely use the hair styling aids but if use, essence or wax mainly. And the degree of interest to hair style is high. C. General Characteristics - The objections`s average age is 21.1, residence is seoul kangnam 23.3%, seoul kangbook 18.4%, other capital areas 58.4%, the degree of education is university students 94.9%, graduated student 5.1%, marriage is married 96%, unmarried 2.8%, family who live with is married are mainly man & woman and living with father & mother in low in man`s, unmarried are mainly live alone & nuclear family, personal expenses a month is 300,000 won in average, income of home is 4,000,000 won a month. D. Life style - The objections are not in interest of physical exercises but if are, do yoga & health, like drama & comedies program, watch TV or meet friend in leisure time, like balad & dance music, fashion magazine, meet friend in cafe or college. 2. Relationship of hair fashion feeling & other variables Using the x2-test, level p<0.05, Hair styling activities(frequency of hair salon coming in and out, ordinary time representing hair style, preferred hair styling aids, the amount of hair style interest), General Characteristics(age), Life style(leisure time) variables are meaningful.
Key Words
Hair fashion feeling, 헤어 패션 감각, hair style, 헤어스타일, personal image making, 퍼스날 이미지 메이킹, University women student, 여대생
A Study on the historical research of the Leading man`s Costume in "Chun hyangjeon" "춘향전(春香傳)"에 등장(登場)하는 주요(主要) 남자(男子) 복식(服飾) 고증(考證) 연구(硏究)
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
9(4) 79-93, 2005
A Study on the historical research of the Leading man`s Costume in "Chun hyangjeon" "춘향전(春香傳)"에 등장(登場)하는 주요(主要) 남자(男子) 복식(服飾) 고증(考證) 연구(硏究)
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
``Chunhyangjeon`` was written by an anonymous author in the mid-period of Chosun Dynasty. The personalities of characters and the styles of dress of men in ``Chunhyangjeon`` recreated their clothing to one that is more similar to the descriptions in the literature text can be described as follows. Lee, Mongyong was a young man, but he was a man of integrity and honor. In outwear he wore ``Hat(Heulip)`` and ``Dopo`` and Taesahae. When he earned his title, he wore ``Pokdu`` with flowers and ``Angsam(ceremonial robe)``. After he became a secret royal inspector, in order to disguised on himself as a poor man he wore worn-out ``Heuklip`` and ``Dopo`` and Jipsin. Bangja who was a servant of Lee, Mongyong wore ``Beonggeoji`` and ``Kwaeja`` and ``Mituli``. Byun, Hacdo was a rash and greedy character, he wore ``Oklolip`` and ``Cheopli`` and ``mokhwa`` when he was on the way to his post. Yeokjol was low grade official wore ``Jeonlip`` and ``Cheopli`` and ``Red shoulder band`` and ``Mituli``.
A Study on the Futurism Design in Paco Rabanne`s Works 파코 라반의 작품(作品)에 나타난 미래주의(未來主義) 디자인 연구(硏究)
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
9(4) 94-112, 2005
A Study on the Futurism Design in Paco Rabanne`s Works 파코 라반의 작품(作品)에 나타난 미래주의(未來主義) 디자인 연구(硏究)
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
This study focuss on the futurism expressed in Paco Rabanne`s works. Paco Rabanne, who has created experimental and prophetic avant-garde fashion by cutting edge techniques and revolutionary new materials, is known as one of the most influential fashion designer of modern times. First, Light, one of the most important element in Paco Rabanne`s fashion design, shows some influence of medieval symbols of love and salvation. Second, the artistic trends which influenced on Paco Rabanne`s fashion include surrealism, op art and kinetic art. His use of new materials and avant-garde style represents the influence of surrealism. His experimental use of waving plastics and glittering metal during his early period is especially related with op art and kinetic art in the early 1960`s which emphasize the artistic effect of light and movement. Third, the characters of Paco Rabanne`s works are the harmony of technology and the beauty oh machine by the geometrical figures like triangles, rectangles, and circles and represent and movement, and the innovational creative methods, voluptuous beauty.
Clothing Values, Lifestyles, and Purchasing Situations of Purchaser groups classified by Purchasing Price for preschool children`s Wear 유아복(乳兒服) 구매비(購買費)에 따른 유아복(乳兒服) 구매자(購買者)의 의복(衣服)에 대(對)한 가치관(價値觀), 라이프스타일 및 구매실태(購買實態)
신혜원 Hye Won Shin , 하오선 O Sun Ha , 이정욱 Jung Uk Rhee , 김희라 Hee Ra Kim , 김태인 Tae In Kim
9(4) 113-126, 2005
Clothing Values, Lifestyles, and Purchasing Situations of Purchaser groups classified by Purchasing Price for preschool children`s Wear 유아복(乳兒服) 구매비(購買費)에 따른 유아복(乳兒服) 구매자(購買者)의 의복(衣服)에 대(對)한 가치관(價値觀), 라이프스타일 및 구매실태(購買實態)
신혜원 Hye Won Shin , 하오선 O Sun Ha , 이정욱 Jung Uk Rhee , 김희라 Hee Ra Kim , 김태인 Tae In Kim
The purposes of this study were to classify purchaser into three groups by purchasing price for preschool children`s wear and to identify the differences of clothing values, lifestyles, considerations in purchasing preschool children`s wears, and purchasing places among the classified three groups. One hundred forty people living in Seoul with children aging between 3 and 7 were surveyed for this study. Cluster analysis, frequency analysis, chi-square analysis, ANOVA, and scheffe test were used to analyze the data. The findings of this study were as follows; 1) Purchaser were classified into three groups, namely the group of high purchasing price(HP), the group of medium purchasing price(MP), and the low purchasing price(LP). The HP had more monthly average income than the LP. 2) The HP showed high concerns in aesthetic and social clothing values, the MP considered social clothing value more important, while the LP showed high concern in economic clothing value. 3) Regarding the differences in lifestyles, the HP was more fashion-oriented and leisure-oriented, the MP was fashion-oriented, while the LP was economy -oriented. 4) When purchasing preschool children`s wear, the HP showed high concerns in design and brand, the MP in activity, laundry-and-care, and brand, and the LP in activity, laundry-and-care, and price. The HP mainly purchased preschool children`s wears in department store and imported goods store, the MP in department store, traditional market, and discount store, and the LP in discount store.
A Study in the Symbol System of Clothing Decorations in Elsa Schiaparelli`s Design Works 엘자 스키아빠렐리의 의상(衣裳)에 나타난 장식요소(裝飾要素)의 상징체계(象徵體系)
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baek , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
9(4) 127-144, 2005
A Study in the Symbol System of Clothing Decorations in Elsa Schiaparelli`s Design Works 엘자 스키아빠렐리의 의상(衣裳)에 나타난 장식요소(裝飾要素)의 상징체계(象徵體系)
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baek , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The aim of this study is to find out the symbol of clothing decorations in Elsa Schiaparalli`s design works and there are four major points due to the aim of this study. Firstly, a fantasy is represented through Surrealistic Arts which creates mysterious, secrete, and surprising spirits. In Surrealistic Arts, the fashion of schiaparelli demonstrates a fantasy spirit by using the methods like metaphor, transformation, and re-positioning. Secondly, In Surrealistic paintings, normally double image or different image from symbol immanent were expressed. However, Elsa Schiaparelli used double and multi-image decorations instead that has well-organized formative effect. The mixture of double images can be separated as symbolic mixture, design mixture and expressive mixture. Thirdly, the body parts has represented symbolism and sensuality in Surrealism Arts. Elsa Schiaparelli has demonstrated the expression of modern clothing as passionate, desirable, and powerful. This is the reason why her designs were absolutely different from the previous sihouette-focused clothing. Fourth, there are lots of intentional decoration that are different from actual images, such as transformation, exaggeration, minimization and repettion, as well as, re-location, re-arrangement, line-up arrangement, collage and odd materials.
A Study on the Functionality of Engineered Jean Pants According to Pattern Analysis and Clothing Evaluation 패턴분석(分析) 및 착의평가(着衣評價)에 따른 엔지니어드 진 팬츠의 기능성(機能性) 연구(硏究)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 유현 Hyun Yoo
9(4) 145-160, 2005
A Study on the Functionality of Engineered Jean Pants According to Pattern Analysis and Clothing Evaluation 패턴분석(分析) 및 착의평가(着衣評價)에 따른 엔지니어드 진 팬츠의 기능성(機能性) 연구(硏究)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 유현 Hyun Yoo
On the subjects of the female adults in their 20s who love to wear jeans, the wearing reality of basic jean pants and engineered jean pants was examined while pattern comparison and the evaluation of appearance and functions were made to reach the following conclusions: 1. Wearing reality of engineered jean pants Among the examined subjects, 74.8% were found out to favor engineered jean pants. Those who have engineered jean pants turned out to pursue well-known brands more than practicality. 2. Pattern comparison analysis of basic jean pants and engineered jean pants Though similar sizes existed in pants tips and belt width, engineered jean pants showed bigger values in waist circumference, crotch circumference, hip circumference, knee circumference, thigh circumference and so on. There were no big differences in the front part except for the items like crotch circumference and crotch length, but engineered jean pants had bigger sizes in the rear part. Engineered jeans in the rear contained the outward curved silhouette of the legs, curved tips, and a dart design instead of a back yoke. 3. Evaluation of appearance and functions In the scores of appearance, basic jean pants were higher at 3.65 in the order of front > side > back. On the contrary, engineered jean pants were excellent in the order of side > back > front. In the items of functions, engineered jean pants were higher at 4.23 in the order of hips > thighs> waist > abdomen > knee > crotch. On the other hand, basic jean pants showed the order of knee > crotch & thighs > abdomen > hips > waist. In every movement, engineered jean pants revealed higher functionality. In particular, the bigger physical movement led to the greater functional differences between the two kinds of jean pants.
Key Words
Engineered jean pants, 엔지니어드 진 팬츠, basic jean pants, 일반 진 팬츠, pattern analysis, 패턴분석, clothing evaluation, 착의평가